5 Minute Freewrite Challenge Day 109 Yard Sale

in #freewrite6 years ago

freewrite yard sale fitinfun.jpg

I have held some yard sales in my time and they are a lot of work. Mine were are at an apartment complex and with neighbors, so they were fun and well-attended.

No matter what you think will happen – yard sales do not usually make enough money to be worth it. I am not good at haggling and give excellent deals to anyone who asks me. I’m not great at making change and thinking fast in crowds, so I am at a disadvantage. It’s almost a better idea to just pack everything up and give it to anybody that will haul it off for me.

As far as attending yards sales – that is not something I like to do. I am not a shopper or a browser. I would rather do without then shop for most things.

The town I lived in for many years was famous for their Thursday morning yards sales and people would come from all over to shop them. I felt bad that I was not making use of such a good location, but I still rarely got up early on Thursdays to run around town and shop in people’s yards.

My post is for the #freewrite daily challenge by @mariannewest. Here is Marianne’s freewrite prompt post for today. Maybe you can enter too.

Two years at goal fitinfun.jpg

Let me help you with simple and natural methods for weight loss and health that you will enjoy. It’s been over seven years now since I had to worry about my weight. This is such a relief!


Normally yard sales are pretty hard to get good deals because there is too much competition to get all their stuff sold, you gotta have a strategy, like selling 2 items and get one free or something like that.

That's my problem for sure - no strategy and running around like a chicken :)

BTW, pretty impressed with your body change! Carry on!

Thank you! It was not that hard once I got over my excuses. I really appreciate your compliment.

Excellent story.
Upvoted and Resteemed!

If a lot of sales are going on, I'll go to them. Seems like a HUGE hassle to have a yard sale though I agree.

We try to do one each year and do very well with our sales. They are a ton of work, but it's always nice to get cash for crap. It helps when you have kids as their stuff always tends to sell very well.

Good work

You're so right, they are a pain. People showing up before your start time, knocking on your door. One thing for sure, you'll need help to keep up with all the people. Great story. 😎23ncoy.jpg

I agree with you with regard to "making money" at a yard sale. The reason I'll hold a garage sale is to get rid of stuff, and I tend to sell everything at a major discount, and even give stuff away.

Unlike you, however, I enjoy spending a few hours on a Saturday morning going "yard saling." Whenever I visit my family in Ontario, my siblings and in-laws and I inevitably schedule one Sat morn for a convoy (comprising 2-3 cars) going from sale to sale.

If we don't find any bargains, we're sure to find some interesting crap.

Yard sales are a foriegn concept to me. Here in Bulgaria this is not something people do.

But if you have stuff to unload nowadays, you could always get some buyers on ebay. Even for the most mundane and broken stuff, if you are willing to lower the price enough, there will be buyers. Here we have local site that is much more popular than ebay and I've bought and sold all kinds of things on it.

I feel the same way about yard sales. I always slow down when I drive past, but there has to be something I need in order for me to stop and shop. Even then I just don't have the desire to spend time looking through the stuff. I always end up buying something that I never use :D Thanks for sharing.

I am with you. I don't like to hold yard sales and don't like to shop them either. I rather give it all away as well :)

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