Break the bowl - Day 97 of the 5 Minutes Freewrite

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)

My home, you're all welcome dear friends

Swimming together in an empty fish bowl.
Frantic impulses of pavlovian dogs.
Heads down on our dead devices,
eating silently the food they selected for us.
Becoming the food they will select for us.

We are not this.

Look at all this vibrant beauty surrounding us.
Raise your eyes from your small world,
because miracles embrace you everyday.
Step on the abyss, you will be held up.
See your face in the One, let your soul roar,
because what you wish will be given to you.


This is beautiful!!! I believe in miracles! I hope your beautiful words opens everyone's eyes and minds. Gorgeous view you have there and I must see it in person. : ) Tip!

Thank you so much @whatisnew !! For the tip and most of all for appreciating my message.. this is more a message than a poetry ad I wasn't really caring about the sound or to formal aspects. Those are the Alps and you are always welcome!

I love this one. So much heart and soul. An astute commentary on what is happening to the human race; our humanity being subsumed into a technological black hole. I wrote the post below a while back and only share it because of some commonality with this post of yours.
Followed and resteemed!

Thanks for your comment @dissfordents! It's seeable that you captured the spirit of this message (i prefer to call it like this). However I'm very focused on the constructive side and on how everyone can raise their head, if they truly wish so. Followed, I'll check yours asap ✌️

Cool man...thanks.

You are so incredibly eloquent... I love reading whatever comes out of you. This photo is beautiful and this truth here... It speaks for itself.

Look at all this vibrant beauty surrounding us.
Raise your eyes from your small world,
because miracles embrace you everyday.
Step on the abyss, you will be held up.

I was really thinking just to the content. It's incredibile how we can forget the beauty surrounding us everyday. I don't want to take it lightly or disrespectful, I know that there's so much sufference but i wanted to pass a message of hope and freedom ☺️ I'm so glad Janelle that you liked my photo, It came out unexpected: I was on a survey during work!

Ohhhhhhhhhh I LOVE this!!!

because miracles embrace you everyday.
Step on the abyss, you will be held up.

and they DO in the form of GREAT friends that hold me up when I need it the most. hugs

and YOU better be sleeping! HA!

Sometimes the abyss is just an illusion of our mind 😉

I'm not going to tell you that this is beautiful and I'm not going to tell you that I love this. Nope, you can't make me say what I am thinking! 😉

We are not this.

We are so much more. Grazie for your poem dear @f3nix!
Your home is majestic! It was wonderful of you to share it with us.

Heheh thanks cara amica! 😁 The lake was really nice that day thanks to the light filtering through the clouds.. I'm counting on you being our guest one day! Ah the message (more than a poem) has to be read with Oblivion's soundtrack at the back 😛

We are! STepping every day!! That is why we are alive in this adventure and we are holding each other up!!

So true! Those are my mountains Mar.. when you will come again to Italy we'll go through the forest looking for mushrooms 😉 I'm in Malta now, I'll be back in sunday and be a bit away from all this ..ciao!!

Dig it. Sometimes life feels like one big fish bowl. Bubbles and bubbles with no way out. Sick post

That's a powerful illusion. Thanks for your contribution @ghostfish

Beauiful! So glad I read it!

I try to create things that may be worth to be read and stay short.. Thank you for your time and for passing by!

I like this! I felt a really vivid critic of today's human behavior.
Good writing!

That topic recurs in my writing. This one was influenced
by the sentence of a rinzai zen buddhist monk (the last one). I'm really glad that you liked it.

Very nice, I liked this alot. So much truth in your little story. Great job.

Thanks!.. i wrote It all in once and paid attention only to the message 😉

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