When the mind and body come together - Freewrite

in #freewrite6 years ago

Entry 10

In a gym on the north east side of Joshville, a scream is heard. A scream not born from fright or from fear. A scream born from hard work.

Sam hangs 3 metres above the mat. Holding with just his index finger and his thumb. The climbing wall bearing over him as he tries to make his ascent.

Bouldering is a relegion. A dedication to self improvement. To understanding your limits, and telling them "get the fuck out of my way".

Sam was hooked from the day he first laid his hands on a wall. The athleticism, the will power, the problem solving. It was a sport that anyone could do, but few could be great at. He imagned even the greatest athletes struggling to make their way up off the mat and to the top of a wall. A simple concept, yet a very hard proposition to attain.

Sam tells his friends exactly this. How bouldering is "the coming together of all that is hard work". "You must find something within yourself to never let go, to understand the wall and yourself. The motion of your body against this static foe. It's a real fight. It's fucking amazing!"

Whether his friends understand him or not. Sam makes the trek every day to this far corner of his hometown. Where him and like minded individuals climb a wall. And with every grip, climb further and further forward out of the mundane, and to the planar of pure joy.


Every morning at 8am I wake up and write for 5 minutes continuously and do not stop until the timer runs out. What you see is a stream of consciousness that is me at a point in time just letting it all go, no editing, just automatic mode. Enjoy.


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Hi there @eightamstories
I have always been in awe of rock climbers. I can imagine the adrenaline rush especially when you are out there with just you and the rock....

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