The Family Business - Freewrite

in #freewrite6 years ago


Taking the turn Donald took a slight glance at his rear view mirrors. The bustling of the city slowly fading behind him. Twelve years. Twelve fucking years and this is how they repay him?

Donald was now former CEO of Bridge Corp & Sons. His fathers, grandfather's, brother's twin step sister had founded the company and had passed down the company generation to generation - with a few pit stops at other families on the way.

He'd started working at the company when he was 7. Sorting letters for his father and his uncle Trevor. Uncle Trev was an absolute rort. He loved having Donald around. Donald's father however? Well he wasn't that good of a father. Donald blames him for most of the wrongs that plagued his life. Especially in his teenage years when a fatle leg injury while bungee jumping had him addicted to opiods. Donald's father was an ass, and Donald didn't even give a eulogy at his funeral.

After the death of his Father, Donald handled life pretty well. Rising up through the company and eventually sitting in the top seat like many of the men in his family before him had done.

Today though he was an outcast. Thrown out of the company, there were no more men from his family in the business anymore. It was another firm entirely now. Debts pilling up outside his office door, low morale plaguing his staff.

All that was behind him now. As he rounded the final bend of the head the light pierced his eyes. The sunset so magical. He remembered his Father, the day before he passed.


Every morning I write for 5 minutes continuously and do not stop until the timer runs out. What you see is a stream of consciousness that is me at a point in time just letting it all go, no editing, just automatic mode. Enjoy.

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