Neon Lights of Love - Freewrite

in #freewrite6 years ago

Entry 12

The neon blairs and the rain pours. Distinct Japanese voices are heard all around his head. A tidal wave of sound splitting his ear drums, with each step the wave growing larger and larger. Heading to the main strip he see's his destination above the crowd (it helps he towers above the median height of the country).

What is his destination you ask? Well fuck I wish I could tell you the name, it's just. I don't know Japanese. All you need to know is one word. Actually no, two words. No you know what two names. Actuallllyyy... more names. I'll throw them at you.

Jimmy Hendrix, The Beatles, Elton John, Michael Jackson, Coldplay. I'll give you a second to guess where he is. Ok over. The record store. The one place he feels most at home. The smell, the sounds. A myriad of emotion all mixed into a house of brick and mortar.

He giddy-ly rumiges through the black disks. Each having their own story. Each with a literal piece of art plastered on the front - people forget the beauty of vinyl art covers.

He picks up 'Harry Styles' an absolute classic (in his mind at least). As he moves his hands over the plastic sleeve something bright in the corner of his eye catches him. He stops. And doesn't quite realise that this moment will change his life forever.

A girl. So devine. She could cut you in two with her soft stare. She has a vinyl in her hands. She too careses the plastic sleeve. He now knows this moment will change his life forever.


Every morning at 8am I wake up and write for 5 minutes continuously and do not stop until the timer runs out. What you see is a stream of consciousness that is me at a point in time just letting it all go, no editing, just automatic mode. Enjoy.


Good stuff and thanks for the warm memory of buying vinyl in the budget bin.

I'm here with the Thursday prompt.

Day 349: 5 Minute Freewrite: Thursday - Prompt: running in place

That freewrite beautifully captures the atmosphere of neon lights and bustling streets. Neon light signs can evoke a sense of nostalgia and romance, much like the scene you’ve painted. These vibrant signs illuminate not just physical spaces but also moments and memories. Imagine a neon sign for your favorite record store, glowing with names like Jimmy Hendrix and Elton John, adding to its charm and allure. neon light signs truly have a way of transforming ordinary places into extraordinary experiences.

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