5-MinuteFreewrite Day 345-Come Together

in #freewrite6 years ago


As I though, feeling alone isnt the same as being alone. Confusing sensations because of being siglings. Yeah… Now I look besides me, and I see you, sleeping, dreaming with the sun over the ice, that ice whitch cold we keep far away thanks to each other.

Im thankful for repetitions. Why?, most people say going back to what was a failure once is a mistake, that we may fall into despair and the well known sadness of betrayal… but it doesn’t have to be that way.

We were young, kind of stupid, and too full of ideas and ideals. You where my ideal, and because of that I both adored and feared being with you. And maybe you though the same about me, and that’s why you left. And why I didn’t properly apologized.

Now it doesn’t matter. Some years have passed, some more cracks in our hearts, and now we realize the mistake of our ways. We are other people now, just the right kind to smile and be glad that we have managed to come together after all.


I enjoyed reading your freewrite and of course about getting back together :)

That was a good freewrite... sorry for being low on VP right now!
Anyway, I'm here to deliver the new prompt and get you writing:

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