
We like to think we have a say. We have a vote! Yay Democracy!
As long as it elects a fawning US sycophant.

Our say is exercised by casting our votes among politicians who for the most part never ever discuss war, except to be all gung ho about it, and to give even presidents they loathe standing ovations when these presidents speechify about it.

This both disgusts and scares the beegeebers outta me.

I have no idea why people play the voting game. The result is always the same; ever more tax and restrictions on our freedom. And we pay these people to do that to us?
Are we stark raving mad?
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Thank you dahlink!
And yes, I think we are heading toward stark raving mad. But we vote, it's the only thing they still let us do without jumping through hoops to do it. I guess they know it makes no difference.

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