Freewrite: prompt: THINK

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)


There was a lot of thinking done in our household, or at least not a lot of talking. My father did not encourage questions unless they were accompanied by at last an attempt at an answer, something to prove that you had thought before speaking. Usually what I thought was what a complete nutjob he was but that apart, I suppose it was a useful lesson and led me to many happy hours poring over books in the library, desperate to find out why, where and how.

All the knowledge of the world is in books he would tell me, which I believed meant that in books lay the definitive answers to all the big questions. But of course the more I read the more questions I had, the more I read, the more questions I had. “Beginning to think is beginning to be undermined” (Camus)


Most people would probably tell you they think too much. If we’re all thinking so much, how is it that there is so much evidence of thoughtlessness all around us? Likely most of us are thinking of nothing more significant than our next Facebook post. I try not to think too much about the past or the future, as I haven’t found either such a useful pursuit. I try to live in and think about the now, making decisions in the present which will make both the past and the future more comfortable places to visit.

How successful am I? Well, I'd have to give that one some thought.

Posted in response to @Mariannewest's daily freewrite which you can see here:

Images Pixabay


As a child, I used to think that my father knew everything, or at least could direct me to a book where to find any answer. Growing up, like many, I began to think that instead my father knew nothing, and I ended up being aware that I also know nothing.
"True wisdom lies in one who knows he does not know" Socrates said, and my father added, after a popular saying of my country "the stupid always knows everything". ;)

You're absolutely right. And where have all the wise men gone? It seems we are surrounded, left and right, by fools and scoundrels.


Yes indeed, another thing we were always told...use your head to save your feet.

Thanks for dropping by m'dear.

thinker colour trippy.jpg

Nice. I love thinking but, like you say, it leads to more questions than answers (I love that too). Most people are lazy and let other people do their thinking for them.

Thanks for the thoughts


Yes indeed they do, and therein lies many of the problems of the world.
Is the image Solitaire? I used to play a lot as a kid.

Yes, Solitaire. I played that too as a kid. We didn't have electronic games until I was a teenager. We did chess, draughts, solitaire, reading, running around outside, fighting :P


I love the way you think! It sure would be nice if everyone thought the way you do as it sure would "make the past and the future more comfortable places to visit." : )

I agree with you. If everyone were just like me the world would be a perfect place;)

Indeed! You are such a trip! : )

Clap clap clap... That is some sage advice right there @deirdyweirdy.... You are so right, no use in dwelling on the past or overthinking what the future may or may not hold... I am personally an overthinker, and it is something I am trying to limit recently... As you say, the now is the important bit, and is all that there actually is.. Really thought-provoking freewrite 👍

Thanks for that. My perspicacity is exceeded only by my extreme good looks;)

Ha ha, you're a ticket @deirdyweirdy :o)

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