Entry for Day 482: 5 Minute Freewrite: Thursday - Prompt: magical realism

in #freewrite6 years ago



Thank you to @mariannewest for this challenge:

Hi Everyone!

Magical realism is a hard genre to write, in my opinion. Including the magic into everyday life is a wonderful skill.

The old masters who wrote the traditional fairy tales were so good at it but the world was different in their day.

Can anyone please recommend a current author of magical realism for me to read?

Thank you for reading my post.


Me too, not quite get it yet. Does Alice in Wonderland count?

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I think it might but maybe not as a girl would not fall down a rabbit hole in the real world.

Thank you for the prompt.

Dear @deemarshall , indeed, to explain the aesthetic effect that magical realism executes is very difficult. In order to capture it, the best thing is to read works attached to this genre. For me, who am Latin American, the term refers to a Latin American literary movement that emerged in the middle of the 20th century. An emblematic work of this aesthetic is Cien años de soledad, by the Colombian writer Gabriel García Márquez.
In literary criticism there is a Latin American distinction between magical realism, an aesthetic represented emblematically in the Colombian author, and marvelous realism, represented emblematically by the novel El reino de este mundo, by the Cuban Alejo Carpentier. But, as you can see, they are nuances of specialized critics.
I would recommend you to read both of them, because, beyond what is representative of the genre, they are beautifully strong literary works, singular and through which we can see reality in a different way, for the rest of our days.

Good luck in the contest!

Thank you for recommending these publications and explaining the genre to me. You are very kind to take this trouble :)

I’m not much of s reader dear Dee, so I can’t help ya there, I hope you will get some good recommendations ❣️

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