Freewrite-January 13,2018 - Prompt 2 "There you go, making up lies again." That is what they told me.

in #freewrite7 years ago
Continued from: Part 1 -The only way John could pass the exam was by cheating
Mrs. Snook had been very nice on the phone and she asked to meet John in her classroom after school at about 3:45 PM. So he took the shortcut through the woods along a narrow trail, it would cut off at least a mile from the three-mile trip by road. John didn't like going this way much because there were a couple of sections near housing projects where drug abusers often hung out. there were even a couple of makeshift shacks and some tarp tents where some of the areas homeless sometimes overnighted. Most of these were harmless, but the only one that he really knew and trusted was George the mumbler, the rest he tried to avoid.

Nearing one of the shacks John saw movement, then he was shocked to see his dad step out into the trail. What do you think you're doing John and why aren't you in school? Completely caught off guard the first thought John had was "Who are you to question me?" But sensing that this would cause a major scene and could derail his plans to meet Mrs. Snook John just said: "I'm on my way to school now, I've been taking care of Mom, she's sick, she has cancer and she's dying, Dad." Then his Dad became very angry and got right up in John's face, the smell of cheap booze fresh on his breath "There you go, making up lies again." That is what they told me John said glaring back at him now with all of the anger and frustration beginning to well up inside of him. If Dad wanted a fight then he would get one, there was no way that he was going to stand there and lecture me and him hiding out here in the woods drunk, John thought. But his Dad's features suddenly changed, she, she's really that sick son, then he just stumbled away toward the shack without another word. No goodbye son, no sorry son, no what can I do to help son, he just left John standing there alone.

At the school, John could see the concern on Mrs. Snook's face. He assured her that he would be okay, but that he really needed that driver's license. After asking John some questions about the corn monster she told him that it was probably a repressive neural sight disorder from reading too many scary blogs on the Internet and that he should limit his time online and stay away from any "Over the top" fantasy type blogs for a few days. As far as the eye test, she told him that it would be wrong and unethical for her to help him cheat on any kind of a test, but she did happen to have some of the color test cards that he could take home with him and practice on before going in for his driver's license.

John was relieved when Mrs. Snook offered to drive him home because he had already made up his mind that he was not going back through those woods again. On the way, Mrs. Snook reached down between the console and the seats and pulled out a small box to give to him. she said: "I know that you are interested in photography John and I've been meaning to give you some old color lens filters that were just laying around my house and that I no longer use." She told John that the lenses were great for filtering out certain colors and making other colors sharper and easier to see. They're used she said, but they are still in great condition. Later, at home alone in his room, John took out the lenses and looked through each of them at the color test cards that Mrs. Snook had given him to practice on, no monsters and he could easily make out each number. John couldn't help but cry, how long had it been since he had done that he thought? That night he slept easy, no tossing and turning or calling out in the night. Tomorrow might be another tough day, but this night there was only going to be some much-needed rest for John, all thanks to Mrs. Snook.

**Disclaimer: I often use the freewrite prompt to tell a story instead of doing a pure freewrite, so they sometimes take longer than 5 minutes and usually have some editing. But I try to do my story straight through at one sitting without any unnecessary breaks.
Graphics by:
Footer by the fabulous: @topkpop

Prompt: "There you go, making up lies again." That is what they told me.
Set your timer for 5 minutes.
Start writing
Use the hashtag #freewrite
Publish your piece (include a link to this post if you wish)
Copy and paste your URL into the comment section of the prompt post.
Or, if you don't want to publish your freewrite, just copy and paste as a comment under the prompt post.
If you don't know what a freewrite is, here is a link to the introduction post.

Introduction to freewrite

Thank you @mariannewest



Will there be a part 3? I want to know if he passed the driving test. I enjoy your writing :)

Thank You, Dee, I do plan on a Part 3 if all goes well. 🙂

I have tears from my heart streaming down my face.........✿

This is one of the most beautiful things I have ever read!!!!!!!!!

because it is what I would have done and you knew that ✿

Thank You ✿

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