Freewrite January/13/2018- Part 3 the thing she did to the breaks on the Honda

in #freewrite7 years ago

John woke to the smell of bacon cooking and he could hear arguing in the two closest lots behind their trailer. That would be Mr. Brixby and Jim Cunningham at it again. Brixby was about as sour as they come and he was always complaining about something, and since Jim was the closest target and he was kind of a wimpy bookworm type, Brixby's ire was usually directed towards him or his dog daisy. Daisy was a rambunctious Black Lab who was only about a year old, and I have to admit that she did cause her fair share of chaos in the Trailer Park, and I think that Jim kind of liked the fact that she annoyed Brixby so much. I opened the window just a hair and heard Brixby, livid with anger, saying "You're going to pay for the thing she did to the brakes on the Honda, if I have to take you to court Jim, you're going to pay for all of the damages plus my loss of use of the vehicle. So, Daisy had done a number on Brixby's crappy old 1996 Honda Accord, everything's normal in the neighborhood....except? Bacon?

Walking into the kitchen John was astonished to see his Dad all cleaned up and cooking breakfast. I hadn't seen him like this since he had lost his job as a Deputy Sheriff down in Broward County six years ago. That was when he had started drinking heavily and everyone started talking about his drug use. I had been told that he was a good cop at one time but had turned to the dark side and got caught taking bribes from dealers. But here he was now standing in our kitchen cooking breakfast and, whistling? John, your up he said, breakfast is almost ready so can you go check on your Mom for me. Confused I made my way down the hall and I saw Mom smiling and sitting up in bed doing a crossword puzzle. What's going on I said, what happened with Dad?

It turns out that John's Dad had never lost his job, he had been transferred to the State drug enforcement task force and had been working undercover all of this time. That is why we had moved to Magic City and lived like we were destitute. Dad never let on to anyone, it was important that this major drug cartel and production region be brought down, and to make it work we had to look the part to a T. It was so important that Mom had not told him about the cancer, the shock of the news that I just dropped on him out of the blue yesterday was real, and he had told his boss that they had to wrap it up now or he was quitting.

There was a knock on the front door and Dad hollered down the hall, "John can you get that?" Opening the door I was face to face with a man in plain clothes but wearing a badge and a gun, and he looked vaguely familiar. It was George the mumbler! As soon as I saw those eyes and he said good morning I knew that it was him, did you fool me for so long George, you fooled everyone! My real name is Steve, and I've been working undercover for a long time John, he said. Boy how things can change in just twelve hours, this was going to be a new day, everything was different now.

John drove him and his dad back from the trip to get his driver's license, everyone in the trooper's office had shook Dad's hand and congratulated him on one of the largest drug busts in State history. It turned out that I didn't even need the lenses that Mrs. Snook had given me, I could see everything a lot more clearly now. I was headed back to school and we were moving into a nice three bedroom house in a couple of weeks. Dad had six years worth of pay that he had been investing in Cryptocurrencies, whatever that was, and he told me I needed to start shopping for a new truck so that I could help with the move. Actually, there was not much to move, most of what we had was thrift store rejects except for some family photos and other keepsakes. Mom was getting the best medical care that money could buy, and when she got into her new house she would also have all new furniture and appliances. Wouldn't my friends be surprised when I came to school driving a new truck, and I couldn't wait to tell Mrs. Snook about my Dad.

The End!

**Disclaimer: I often use the freewrite prompt to tell a story instead of doing a pure freewrite, so they sometimes take longer than 5 minutes and usually have some editing. But I try to do my story straight through at one sitting without any unnecessary breaks.
Graphics by:
Footer by the fabulous: @topkpop

Prompt: the thing she did to the breaks on the Honda
Set your timer for 5 minutes.
Start writing
Use the hashtag #freewrite
Publish your piece (include a link to this post if you wish)
Copy and paste your URL into the comment section of the prompt post.
Or, if you don't want to publish your freewrite, just copy and paste as a comment under the prompt post.
If you don't know what a freewrite is, here is a link to the introduction post.

Introduction to freewrite

Thank you @mariannewest



<3 LOVE how this ended!!!!
I LOVE ALL of it!!!

Bravo!!!!!!!!!!! :D

that was completely unexpected. You know how to surprise us :) - in a good way.

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