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RE: Day 539: 5 Minute Freewrite: Friday - Prompt: filthy rich

in #freewrite5 years ago

@mariannewest, HELP - I've tried g-mailing you. I formatted the list of Week #45(?) Freewrite Favorites. I didn't post it yet. Formatting and other issues plague me. Please check Freewrite gmail. :)) Thanks!
Not a single freewrite from me this whole week. No writing at all, outside of cold cases and a few replies here (far less than my usual). My sister's cold case warmed up again, and another case ended in a "Not Guilty" verdict that had quite a stir going at the ICC site. I have been drained. The lurid details of my sister at age 18 in 1975 running out of her place or work and into the street, fleeing for her life, but getting caught and forced into a truck and strangled, and..... well, you see why I put my March Madness story on hold. I could not put my fictional family through what my real-life family went through. Couldn't I rewrite the real story with a magical happy ending? I'm leaning that way, but it robs the story of a certain impact.
But I digress.
The previous week, on a Tuesday, I nominated two Freewrite favorites, but I never saw a Friday post on that one.
Carol, Snowed Under


Checking my email now

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Sounds like a nightmare that never ends. What happens when a cold case warms up. Again. And again. Awful.
I'm all for a happy ending!

Thank you!
What happens? An out-of-state lab says "Hey, I saw the Cold Case on Julie, and we work with degraded DNA," so she contacts the local LE for my sister's case file with the autopsy report, only to be told the file was lost when it was transferred to the other county (body found in Butler, but she was likely killed in Bremer). Oh, and guess what, Butler had a flood, and a lot of files were lost. This was Monday. The rest of the week did not go any better. My dad and sister say no way to exhuming the body in search of DNA. LOSERs!!!!!!
'Nuff said.

The number of incidents in one week that I could list,
things as maddening or outrageous as the "lost" autopsy report,
are too preposterous to put in fiction.

I can't imagine how torturous this must be. Tortuous too. I have my own problems with medical mishaps galore (seems no one really gives a shit anymore but me) but these have to be much more difficult to bear.

(you COULD use some of this with that cop who framed Jenny. just saying.)

I've missed you!

Aw, thank you. And btw, when it comes to aches and pains, the hazards of aging, and the indignity of having medical mishaps when we are too young for those - I am totally in your camp!!! I went gray at 35 AND needed bifocals at 35. Waaay too young for that. We won't mention the knees and wanting to use a cane but everbody tells me I'm far too young. Ha. I want one as a fashion statement now - along with a pop-out dagger at the tip! Ha! And I might like a dark cape to go with it!!!
We stoic, long-suffering Not-All-That-Old women need to band together. I see a graphic novel (aka comic book) in which the women get sick of the police never solving cold cases, so they go incognito (armed! concealed weapons! canes with knife tips!) and kick a*s.
Thank you for reading and commenting!! This was a long week. I love all the Freewriters!!

I love that idea of not-that-old-and-secretly-armed women putting their heads together and solving cold cases!

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