Church Lady - Day 455: 5 Minute Freewrite: Friday

in #freewrite6 years ago

Day 455: 5 Minute Freewrite: Friday - Prompt: church lady


The Church Lady

wore a black veil over her face, old style like her hat and coat, a long black cashmere that smelled of mothballs. She glided along the city streets with her head lowered, her dead husband's Purple Heart pinned to her coat collar. Drug addicts had assaulted her for the loose change in her pockets but she kept up her daily rounds, handing out pamphlets to the desperate and destitute and whoever looked like he was having a bad day. Most of our homeless derelicts were soldiers wounded in battle but mercilessly kept alive with their wounded minds.

Someone said her name was Eve, and that was our first clue that she was hiding something. But what crime could anyone charge her with? She handed out prayer cards with the name of St. Michael's, the oldest church in the state. One by one, the homeless vanished from our streets. Where they went, nobody could say.

News reporters followed her with cameras but she moved quickly, all in black, into the shadows and eluded them.

I was one and twenty, dodging the draft, seeking a way out of fighting in a bloody civil war. I would not kill my fellow countrymen and women, nor burn farms and villages and the innocent children hiding in attics and barns.

Dressed all in black, I followed the Church Lady whenever I could catch a glimpse of her. She passed out her cards to homeless war veterans and vanished into the shadows.

It wasn't exactly a stroke of genius but a brutal stroke to the back of the head that led her to me. I'd been robbed and left for dead in a dark alley. When my eyes opened I knew I was doomed. I'd be arrested and imprisoned for draft dodging.

Instead, I found myself peering into a lovely face, barely visible through the black veil. Smiling, she pressed a card into my hand.


She was gone

before I could sit all the way up. I crawled to a brick wall, leaned against it, and stared at the address on the St. Michael's card. The street name was right, but the building number wasn't.

Two men in black moved like ninjas through the darkness, and I wouldn't have detected their presence at all if one hadn't clapped a hand over my mouth while they helped me to my feet.

In silence we passed through the shadows. We walked past the church. Sentries patrolled the sidewalks with their whistles and clubs, but they showed no sign of hearing or seeing us.

Under a gibbous moon the cemetery lay in its usual eerie stillness. One gravestone, a flat slab of granite, bore the name of a war hero, and the year of his birth matched the number of the street address on my St. Michael's card.

The stone irised open, and the men nodded for me to go down first.

What if I resisted? I was injured, outnumbered. What was down there?

Church Lady, I don't know who you are, but I'd rather die at your hands than kill others in a war I refuse to fight.

Taking a deep dreath, I descended into the darkness, but my heart felt curiously light.


Thank you @mariannewest and all the #freewritehouse

for making this community so fun and rewarding!

Please read, comment and vote (if you have voting power) on each others freewrites as much as you can. Especially if you are new to the platform, you will be surprised how many friendships are formed by reading and commenting on each other's work!


Ooh, why re-invent the wheel when @d00k13 has this awesome version of what I was attempting? (Can I steal it, use it, credit it back to you?)

That’s from @Mariannewest and she said go ahead and use it for me so I would imagine same goes for you! Credit her 😅

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## <center>Check Out The [@FreeWriteHouse]( Prompt Of The Day By [@MarianneWest](</center>


- ## [Look For The 5-Min #FreeWrite Daily Prompt On @MarianneWest’s Blog](</center>


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Your quite welcome, I’ve started building out my templates a little if you ever want anything just ask I’ll drop you the code like above, make it simple 💪

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What a beautiful story! and so mean to let me sitting here not knowing what is happening to him...

Thank you!
I trust the reader to imagine that Church Lady is working for the good side - building up her own army to counteract the ugly aftermath of war (homeless soldiers with PTSD).... I know, I know, me and my unfinished ideas! I was thinking "Comic book hero: Church Lady!" and knowing I will do nothing whatsoever to perpetuate this one... man, do I ever need a co-author.

Did he descended into hell inside the grave? Or found Christ deep in the grave, Christ is no more in the grave though.

Am here to deliver the weekend freewrite prompt to you.

For a singular Prompt
Here you go.
You're thinking of going pro.
Do have a nice weekend.

Thank you @botefarm for reading, commenting, and delivering the new prompt!
It's fun to see where readers go - "hell" was not on my mind at all, but "underground rebels" plotting to restore order to the war-torn city. ;;)

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