RE: The envelope | Lola's Story Part 24 | 5 minute freewrite ~ Prompt: late
My thoughts on part 24
1. What do you think Kyle was trying to tell Lola in his cryptic letter?
I think Kyle has important information to pass on to Lola but needs to hide it in a secure place that only she would recognize. I suspect that he planned for this envelope to be intercepted so he wrote a non-sensical poem that he trusted her to decode.
2. Are you as relieved as I am that Lola finally opened the mystery envelope?
Yes! That mystery envelope has been hanging over our heads for a few parts now hasn't it? I think we have all been very eager to see its contents, or at least I have been. But revealing it's contents has only given us more questions! Where will this letter lead Lola? What is she going to discover? Who will she encounter on her way to uncovering Kyle's secret message?
Cheers, Aimee
I think so too @question 1. Let's find out then.
Yes! Let's! @freedomtowrite... we're waiting... 😆 -Aimee