
Awww I want to cry now. The poor baby. Now it's humans are gone and he doesn't know why. Makes me want to steal him away and cuddle/snuggle with him.

I know. The dog in the photo just looked like he was missing his humans and it went from there! Thank you for the comment!

It worked perfectly then and you're welcome :)

My heart aches for this faithful companion. Well written from this dog's point of view.

Thank you. I seem to get into animal's heads well, maybe even better than I get into people's heads sometimes! :)

Great job with all the prompts! The story reads swell and I like the feel of it.
The caring dog, the imminent danger and the humans not taking him serious. It's all too real and puts a perspective to what dogs can feel/hear/see and what they think about, making it very interesting to the reader.

There's just one thing that my hawk-eye spotted that I will point out, and edit it out if you wish, or once fixed (again, if you wish);

I have searched for them every day until my legs can could no longer hold me up.

Other than that, I absolutely loved your story and thank you very much for your entry! :D

Oh, thank you! I totally missed that. I think that mixing up tenses and sometimes the perspective is where I fail most often. I appreciate it.

I'm the same, yeah. My fault is especially switching from one point of view to another when inappropriate, sadly. But oh well ^^

I believe constructive criticism that helps you improve your work, or even just edit out the typos is always very welcome. Trashtalk, on the other, is not. ^^

You can officially color me impressed! Just awesome.

We keep our dogs in a kennel. It makes me a little nuts when they start barking for hours on end. I'm fairly sure there are animals in the back 40 that entertain themselves by coming down to tease the dogs. We're also fairly sure 3 are cats. Domestic cats. Our sweet little cats o.O We have some incidental proofs.

Unfortunately they do not stay in the 100 acre hay field or they would sleep on the porch like mom did.

So yeah all that to avoid saying thanks for giving me something new to ponder while they bark. ;-)

Ahhh man. That is hard! I'm glad that our dogs only go crazy barking when my older daughter comes home late. It is annoying when it happens, but at least its not all the time.

I hope you don't have bad dreams because of me! Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment!

There's one way to keep them quieter. If their evening romp starts in the afternoon and then continues with a 5 mile walk with my husband. Saturday he walked them so far that they were all dragging. Soooooo quiet the last 2 days.

Pretty excited about the weather this week. I'll be able to be outside and let them stay out with me. It will keep them from sleeping all day.

All in all, you picked the right season for your story since they won't be so bored. So no worries. And plus I will admit, Yehovah (God) has proven beyond a doubt that He is watching over me and we seldom get to prep for devastating events. There's no guarantee of the next breath. So I may as well thank Him for the slice of peace I'm living in and go to sleep and see what I wake to. I seldom ever have nightmares.

That said, noisy dogs are still noisy and cats mounting surprise attacks on the bedroom window screen are still shockingly surprising! Caffeine is still a stimulant. And allergies still itch. So many ways to be kept awake and provided time to ponder, "What's out there...?" There's talk of a wildlife cam. We'll see.

... Alignment issues...

I have always liked doges and your story made me feel sad for the loyal and now lonely hero. Also liked the mysterious dark ending on his hoomans.

Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment! This one seemed to really resonate with people. I'm glad you liked it!

I loved reading this story from the dog's point of view. I think you captured it perfectly and I may be less harsh on my lovely Sasha when she's barking at night!

I hope you gave your Sasha some extra hugs :) Thanks for taking the time to comment!

Oh my word I feel so sad for this little guy. All he was trying to do was look out for his owners. Enjoyed reading this story from a dogs perspective. It made me realise how much we take them for granted.

Thank you for the comment! It is easy to take our pets for granted sometimes. They do seem to feel SO deeply!!! <3

What a dark and sad story. Good thing evil did not affect the dog.

Yeah, and maybe he will rescue his humans some day soon! Hopefully dogs are too pure to be affected :)

Way to go to hit all three!!! And as always, one can't read your stories and not be deeply involved in them...

Thank you for your awesome support. Your encouragement means the world to me!

Such a wonderful story! Loved it!

Thank you! I appreciate the support!

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