
Nice. I guess we all will have to see how this epilogue turns out. Thanks!

Here's Thursday's prompt: Day 259: 5 Minute Freewrite: Thursday - Prompt: sell-out.

I really enjoyed this, @byn! such a personal insight in this old woman's mind, I could really see the people at the funeral. :)

Thank you! It really intrigues me to think of writing a big long family saga someday!

I wonder what gifts they are that they are all dying...

Right? Are they all vampires being killed? Are they dying because their hearts can't take the immense powers they hold? Are they being murdered for a grab of power? WHAT IS IT???

Dang!! I wished we knew some writers who could answer that question LOL

This is such an intriguing short feels complete in itself, but also like an artfully written teaser, a representative slice of a larger story that is obviously multigenerational in scope, and feels epic. Really cool :)

It is really strange, because ever since I wrote it, it keeps coming to mind and I find myself trying to remember which book series the memory is from... then I remember I wrote it! I guess I may have to go back and write the whole story now because I'm intrigued!!! I LOVE those multigenerational stories SO much.

Seriously! That's so funny that it's externalized like that in your mind, like something you read rather than wrote. I've had that experience at times too. This one feels like it could be a big project <3

It happens to me somewhat often, because I seem to forget about a story once its out of my head (even going back 10 years ago) to some plays I wrote for youth theater that my kids/their friends still occasionally quote. I'll hear them quoting something, I KNOW I thought it was a funny movie or something, but it turns out it was something I wrote.

I guess I don't keep enough free storage in my brain for all of these stories that come out of it! :)

It would be a HUGE project, but someday I'll have the experience and the motivation for it!

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