The Value of Humor

in #freewrite6 years ago

squirrel values humor.jpg

      There are many core values that I want to instill in my children. Acceptance, honesty, reliability, empathy, resourcefulness, creativity, all of these and more are what I hope for them to feel as important in their lives. From that list, one that I feel is more needed in life than people give it credit for, is humor.

      I want my children’s lives to be full of laughter. Realistically, I know that each day can’t have barrels of laughs. It shouldn’t. Mine hasn’t. Without other experiences for balance, some of the joy, of the cathartic release would be diminished. But, I hope that they carry it with them always, for joy and for comfort when they need it most.

      My children know how a laugh can turn a day around, or at the very least, keep it from spiraling down into a complete well of suck. They can see how sharing a joke or making a smart ass comment at just the right time can bring out giggles from someone else.

      Humor is important not just for the smiles that it brings but for it’s ability to keep us grounded. Responsibilities stack up quickly and we can easily come to think that everything we do becomes more important than it really is. Laughing at ourselves, making light of our mistakes, keeps us humble and brings relief from the stress we place on ourselves when we feel as though they’ve failed.

      Laughter is often called a gift and that’s what it is. Something that one can hold, enjoy, and pass on to others when they need it. It’s a value that I hope my children will pass on throughout their lives. So far, they’re doing a damn good job of it!

Thank you @Omra-sky for my sweet Squirrple Necklace separator!
Main image by @brisby
For the 5 Minute Freewrite Prompt - core values by @mariannewest.
Thanks Marianne!

art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics

Squirrel World GIF by @Omra-sky. Thank you! 😻

GIF by @Omra-sky.

Carl GIF by @Snook! 💖 - Personalized by @Omra-sky

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Badge made by @Fireawaymarmot & personalized by @Omra-sky!

Thank YOU for reading!


@brisby Thank you, my friend, your blog is such an awesome and please support me and upvote me if you like my comment

Thank you but I see that you post the same comment for many other posts. On this site, that counts as spam and could result in your comments being flagged. I'll give your blog a gander within the next few days, but please, if you read or watch someone's content, let them know what you like, or don't like, about it. That truth in interaction will go a long way in helping people want to get to know you more and check out your content. After all, don't you want others to read what you write and comment on what it made them think? Have a lovely day!

You really a great guy, thank you for giving me information

Like daughters! I couldn't agree with you more about laughter and it is refreshing to hear that you teach your children how important and fun laughter is in our everyday lives. Smiling and laughing now...thanks!

Hi Whatisnew! Thank you and I love that you agree about the importance of laughter! 🤗 I wish you could meet my girls, they'd have you in tears and giggles! I'm so happy that I was able to make you smile! 😻 Have a wonderful day my friend!

Hi brisby! I would love to meet your girls and I can only imagine their sense of humor because they have you for their Mom. : ) You have a wonderful day too! Hugs!

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