
But who to ask? The common workers don't know anything, and the ones further up the ladder - supposedly - shouldn't be questioned... :p

Hmmm... I wonder, too.

There's always the "mess things up deliberately" strategy. Though, they may get some punishment along with answers as to why they shouldn't do what they did. 😏😉

True, true, .. Now you have even me interested in how they'll go about knowing more about all of this. :D

😁 It's going to be fun to see what you come up with!

Me, right now, digging for inspiration. :P

Here's some sweet inspiration for you then!

Some of the young gremlins of the town of Freewrite have been kind enough to volunteer to deliver today's prompts! Please be advised, they have silly string and have eaten their way through a basket of Pixie Stix.

Freewrite Day 178 - sugar bowl

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Sniffs the sugar
THAT'S NOT ######## What you promised this would be!
I'm disa-the sugar kicks in-!!! OH YA BOI! I WANT MOAR! :D

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