Look For the Signs

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)


      How do you express that you are in pain? Let's say a toothache, for example. You feel the persistent throb of pain that won't let you sleep, interrupts your thinking and makes you ready to promise to do anything if only the agony would stop. What do you do?

      You know that there is a way try and fix the problem. Go to a dentist, promise to pay a crap ton of money, sit in an uncomfortable room and point to the frowny face chart that indicates your pain level. The dentist probes your mouth with mirrors and sharp metal, fixes the problem and becomes your new best friend once the pain subsides. Well, until the bill comes.

      Imagine if you couldn't do any of that. If you weren't able to understand why you were in pain. If you were incapable of asking for help when something hurts.

      Animals don't have the ability to reach out the way that we do. Nature has seen to it that they hide their pain. Think about it, what happens to an animal in the wild when it shows weakness? A creature crying out it's agony becomes the target of predators. Domesticated pets, though they've lived in a protected and loving home for years, still have those instincts to protect themselves by keeping quiet.

      How many of us are sitting right now next to a beloved pet that suffers in silence?

      While there are times that they will wimper or whine, most signs of suffering in pets are subtle. Listed below are a few but if there is a change in their behavior that is persistent, it's always best to contact their veterinarian for a consultation.

  1. panting
  2. falling
  3. stumbling
  4. hesitating
  5. licking wrists
  6. biting
  7. restless
  8. shifting positions
  9. anxious
  10. unsettled
  11. can’t get comfortable
  12. can’t sleep fully on side for long periods
  13. abdominal effort to breathe (side “sucks in” with each breath)
  14. wanting to be upright all the time
  15. tense or flinch with touch
  16. eliminating in the house
  17. dilated pupils
  18. wide-eyed look
  19. hiding
  20. changes in grooming
  21. sleeping all the time
  22. drooling
  23. wet lips and/or chomping or licking lips
  24. head hanging down
  25. pale pink or white or blue tongue/gums
  26. distented belly
  27. not eating
  28. not moving
  29. not walking
  30. can’t get up
  31. difficulty laying down
  32. vomiting

  33. Thank you @Omra-sky for my sweet Squirrple Necklace separator!
    Main image by @brisby
    For the 5 Minute Freewrite Prompt - suffers in silence by @mariannewest.
    Thanks Marianne!

    art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics

    Squirrel World GIF by @Omra-sky. Thank you! 😻

    GIF by @Omra-sky.

    Carl GIF by @Snook! 💖 - Personalized by @Omra-sky

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    Badge made by @Fireawaymarmot & personalized by @Omra-sky!

    Thank YOU for reading!


    We used to have a colly dog that would have thorns stuck in the skin after going for a long walk that must have hurt a lot, yet she didn't make a sound. I found them by accident one time, and then every time we came back from a walk I would look to see if there were any thorns stuck in her somewhere...

    The poor dear! It's heartbreaking when we find out that our beloved pets are suffering and couldn't tell us. Glad that you found them and were able to keep her from having them stuck for long after. She was lucky to have someone so loving to care for her. Thank you for stopping by and I hope that you have a lovely day Wales!

    I have a minpin that doesn't feel much pain. One time, she had a big rip in her side and she didn't even flinch...
    The Vet thought in the beginning that something is wrong with her because she wasn't scared of the office - for her, it was/is just another adventure...

    I've seen the photos you post of you dogs, sooo cute by the way, and she must have quite the pain tolerance. It feels awful to see them hurt. Hope you are enjoying your weekend Marianne!

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