The Conversation With God : 5 Minutes Freewrite.

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)


I've thought of this over and over, the way some people, lets me make it personal, friends and relatives makes it faster than other in life is enough to make a soul depressed if you aren't wealthy yet.

It makes the hardworking hustler wretched and unproductive with no result, he begs day and night for the heaven to open upon him and luck should smile gracefully on the weary soul. Begging night and day, with God sometimes acting as if he doesn't hear or has gone asleep. That old man never sleep, believe me.

Days of prayers, months of waiting, years of supplications and nothing to show for it. He resigned to fate and went rogue with himself, first in illegal dealing which to the utmost glory of the devil he raked in cash at an instant, even in millions, who would dare see that and think of his creator or dare ask him what's his plan for him. The money would have made him forget that, foolish soul.

He acquired the wealth so fast he starts to grow weary of it, the reality dawned finally, no matter how rich you are you still can't sleep on two beds at the same time, or perhaps, finish a whole cow. You just have to do one, drive one car, live in one house. But the most horrible of it all, he comes to the full knowledge that it is all vanity, but it was too late for the money hungry weary soul to make amend, he died in his prime leaving his blood inspired wealth behind to face his creator.

The Old Man wasn't waiting to see him very early by His watch, but he's now and answers must be given how he came here. The two looked into each others eyes and admit one has to talk first. He gushed out.
"I had no choice, my mates were moving forward while I was looking stagnat"
"And so? "
"I had no choice but to sell my soul for the money"
"And so? "
He was starting to get angry at his maker now, didn't he see all that happened on earth to him?.
"And so? " the Ancient One asked again because he could hear his thoughts.
"I've told you everything"
"Is it that you mankind don't know that you're just a passenger on earth?, what will it cost you to know that? "
I don't know if I should cry or face this Old Man head on, why didn't he tell me before I did that, where was He.
"And so? "
"Common, you're my creator, sat more than this please."
"You want to tell me you didn't hear the message preached on the radio, television, tracts, leaflet, evangelist and so many more, why didn't you listen when they were asking for your attention to come up hither, and now, it's late already.

My entry into @mariannewest everyday Freewrite.

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