Wine Dark - a stream-of-consciousness poetry morsel for Freewrite #263 - grapevine

in #freewrite6 years ago

Greetings fellow Steemians! Here is my 68th 5 minute freewrite. (Disclaimer: these usually take me significantly longer than 5 minutes to write and edit). The prompt was "grapevine".

Come check out the goings on at @freewritehouse! Many thanks to @mariannewest for hosting this wonderful daily freewrite :)


Wine Dark

As a child
I loved this story
And the picture on its page:
A god
Larger than life
Vanquishing his antagonists
With grapevines
Twined through pure white sails
And tall masts
Like lovers' fingers
Sweet tasting bloodstains
Wounded by pleasure
Driven terrified
To the salt water's embrace
The punishment for small-mindedness:
Turned to porpoises
Souls broken by worry
And want
Mended by carelessness
And play.

©2018 Bennett Italia All Rights Reserved

horizontal rulers courtesy @cryptosharon



Hi everybody! I'm visiting family at the moment, but will be back home and on Steemit again very soon. Looking forward to catching up with all of you 😍 Loves 💟

I was actually wondering where you'd disappeared! I thought I must've spaced out and lost your posts and then, I check and bam 22 days ago :O Hope you're having a good time, my friend! <3

Vitis is a genus of 79 accepted species of vining plants in the flowering plant family Vitaceae. The genus is made up of species predominantly from the Northern hemisphere.

buen trabajo hermano

Good job freind, saludos!

Your poem made me remind the stories of pirates I used to read as a child, and the sense of wild adventure I felt

Here’s the most recent freewrite prompt, so you can keep on writing in this amazing community

Enjoy, and have a good day!

Visit this blog for amazing insights, contests, and initiatives about #freewrite community!

Today we remind you of this fantastic initiative:

Win a Membership in Steem Basic Income - Tell us About a Favorite Freewrite


Magnifico maestro @bennettitalia

As always

Great lines of words ... like an abstract song with the theme on grapevine from which it's wine flows into our cup of our Souls ...

Salute @bennettitalia

I hope you are not away for too long my good friend. There's a vote battle going on which I think is quite a fun idea..

Your poem entitled The Visitor was picked as one of the 100 best poems that appeared in the poetsunited discord server over our first 180 days.

Oh, I hope you are back on Steemit before this is over. Your story was so good!!!

We know that you love the We-Write 😀 The new challenge is up. Remember, besides the prices, each entry gets a 100 % upvote from the Freewrite House. Hope that you will join the contest.

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