5 Minute Freewrite - Plaid

in #freewrite6 years ago

Hello to all my fellow Steemers!

This has been, I believe, my third time participating in the 5-minute free write here on the website. Little by little, I am learning how to get this contest spread far and wide for more people to join! Here is a link to today's prompt, Plaid.


You can start following @mariannewest in order to get the daily prompt. Don't feel pressured to post everyday, I don't. Only when you are feeling creative and need to get those juices flowing. That's what I really enjoy about this activity the most on here.

This group also tends to post information other than just about writing. The other day I learned so much about steem power, and how my votes were worthless, because I was voting for everyone and their cousin! I like reading through the Daily Post just to gather new information that I didn't know. The more you know, the more you grow!

WARNING AND DISCLAIMER: this writing is going to go in the direction of erotica. When I think of plaid, the first thing that came to my mind was the school girl uniform. If this makes you uncomfortable, then you probably shouldn't read my writing for today!

The School Girl


I decided to use an actual photo of myself in the name of body positive expression. I believe that this photo that I took of myself helps me love myself inside and out, and allows other women to appreciate and feel comfortable in their own body.

I opened up my mailbox to finally see the package sitting there, all alone, addressed to myself. I had never bought lingerie for myself, but was so curious as to what it would feel like to see pictures of me scantily clad. Did I have the body to be able to be considered sexy? Did my fluid gender prevent me from being able to feel feminine and desirable?

I felt myself briskly walking to my house with the package held tightly in my hand. Feeling nervous, I paced back and forth as soon as I entered my living room, unsure if this was even a good idea. Maybe I should just send the outfit back, and not find out what I was going to look like in this ridiculous plaid ensemble. After what felt like an hour, which was actually only minutes, I ripped open the package.

I felt my clothes melt off of me as I held the Plaid schoolgirl outfit in my hand. The skirt was barely even that by definition, and I thought for a moment, what if you could see all of my bumps and disgusting curves once I put this on?

I slithered into the outfit, not happy about what I saw in the mirror. Just a pudgy girl, trying to poke out her ass and tits, while making duck face in an effort to create Allure.

I laid on my bed, on my back, and held my phone as far away as I could to take a selfie full-body. I pulled my phone close to my face and pulled up the picture. This was a sex goddess before me, so full of pride, not even seeing all the imperfections. She was sexy. She was desirable. She made me feel tingly between my legs.

There you have it! I felt constrained of times, trying not to go in the direction of full on porn! I can't wait to read others interpretations of plaid!




I appreciate you taking the time to make this comment! I think that girls are so good at defining Beauty and tearing each other down, and we need to stop it dammit!

FABULOUS! !! I love the shift from how you felt in the mirror to the tingle inducing Goddess in the selfie!

Long ago delightful prompts that would inspire people to travel to new lands on other worlds and within themselves was written on an enchanted scroll. Too bad the kids that found it thought it was a takeout menu. This will end well!

Weekend Freewrite Single Option

Weekend Freewrite 3 Part - 1st Sentence

A beautiful post!

I appreciate you reading it!

you got amazingly sexy body

Thank you for the nice sentiment, but I really wasn't fishing for compliments LOL

lol be like a thirsty man.

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