Day 15 - Freewrite prompt- Detective

in #freewrite6 years ago

Hey guys , I had another exam today , but can't rest yet have another exam on Friday and full next week. So I have to try to pull an all nighter. Hm , how are you guys?

I'm going to start today's Freewrite.


They said she is a woman ,
They said she shouldn't be going into this profession,
They said this was not what she was supposed to do,
She was supposed to be a wife , a mother .

But her heart yearned to be a detective,
So solve crimes like in an Agatha Christie novel ,
Alongside Sherlock and Watson,
With Miss Marple and Poirot ,
But that was all a fantasy of a young girl.

All she could do was dream ,
She wondered , if anything would have changed if she was a boy?
But then , she decided not to let others decision make her something who she is not,
So she joined the right school for the right reasons,
She loved every bit of training,
She loved 100 push-ups ,
She loved every moment the siren was alarming ,
She couldn't let her excitement go away,
She put all her energy and time into this ,
She gave away all the comforts of a normal woman,
To become what she wanted ,
To become someone extraordinary,
To become a unique person who every other man and woman can look up to.

Have you ever wondered if any woman in our history had not done what she had done , what would be our situation ? I mean , if they hadn't studied , if they hadn't become detectives , scientists ,...anything . Would we have had the courage to take upon us the courage to make our dreams come true no matter what?!

I'm dedicating my today's Freewrite to @scribblingramma , for how dedicated and hardworking woman she is 😘😘😘. She inspired me today.


the article looks a poem to me. And I am amazed that you can come up with these sentences while preparing for your example.
I hope you are managing your time well for your exam though
Good luck and cheers

Yeah , it's so hard , I'm so much out of focus , had my last Chinese class today. Now I have class again on Thursday , and Friday is the exam. So have to focus more. Thank you for the good luck and for your blessings 😊😊😊 谢谢您

Have you ever wondered if any woman in our history had not done what she had done , what would be our situation ? I mean , if they hadn't studied , if they hadn't become detectives , scientists ,...anything .

I have wondered that so many times! I loved reading stories about girls who did the 'impossible' or the unexpected. It is always so inpsiring.

Great freewrite!

Hell YEAH!!! I think women are amazing and full of courage, whatever they may choose to do with their lives. 😘

Great freewrite! You really dove deep into the meaning of the prompt!

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