Day 123: 5 Minute Freewrite: Monday - Prompt: fumigate

in #freewrite7 years ago


I have a nice apartment in the basement of a house. Actually it is nice in the winter. My dog can easily go out the door straight into the back yard without having to climb the icy Canadian stairs, and my snow shovel and ice-melter are right outside my back door so I am safe and do not slip while walking to the car.

But the summers are a different story, because I have some visitors in town then. They are little black ants that have a sugar addiction.

If I use honey, and spill a drop, then come out of every crevice and crack and start eating it.

If I spill a piece of popcorn on the floor, they call out the troops, and carry it on their backs and transport it to a secure location for consumption.

I hate to kill any creatures, but at some point it is necessary to fumigate the whole apartment, all around the edges of the baseboards, to rid the space of the vermin!

It doesn’t seem to threaten their population however, or make them extinct, as in a few months they are back!

They think they are welcome to walk right in the door on my dog’s paws, or on my shoes, and then they make a return appearance and the whole process begins again anew.

In the summers, the dollar store sells ant hotels, so they can go on a vacation and never return!


Oh they really are a pest, aren't they? :D
I just hate when ants settle in. Good writing!

here's the new prompt:

Thanks! Followed your blog. It's great!

Oh thank you, that's very sweet of you ;)

This reminds me of the struggles I used to have with my apartment. First with carpenter ants and then with bees. Yes...bees. I'm glad that's over.

Wow bees! Yes that's scary. I actually like ants and they are fun to watch the way they work together. I have nothing against them, but I don't want to live with them.

I agree, I don't have anything against them and don't really want to kill them. But, after I started to step on bees that were stuck in my carpet, I had no choice. 😐

Yes you did have no choice, either get rid of them or get stung!!

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