No one is free unless he is able to decide what to think.

in #freewrite6 years ago

On surface level many people believe they are free to choose between different alternatives, but beneath the surface they act upon the beliefs their society had ingrained in their minds. Despite not consciously validated by people they unquestionably take them as cornerstones for what is correct and what is not.

It is far easier to think the way you have been taught to think, to believe what is commonly believed to be correct, and to jump to conclusions that are readily made by the society, our minds do this all the time.

Why someone acts in a certain way or why a relationship isn’t working are examples of what I am talking about we, tend to use the same explanations we have been already known. Our minds jump from one repetitive thought to another the same way a fearful child hurriedly jump from one stepping stone to another in order not to fall. The commonly held thoughts are more convenient if you are unwilling to take risks, to discover who you truly are and to reach your fullest potential.

On the other hand, thinking in the same way over and over again doesn’t fix our problems but also recreates them. Societies that can’t change their beliefs are doomed to permanently suffer the same problems. On a personal level you can’t have a life without you choosing what to think and letting go of conclusions given to you by society. To break from the mould is to first find out what actually works and what doesn’t, to define your own relationship with life and with yourself as well.



Thought proceeds reality. Modern media reality confines thought.


A very thought provoking post. The thought that insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly while expecting different results popped into my mind when r reading your post. 😎

What is more insane than doing the same thing is adopting the same beliefs even if reality proved their invalidity.

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That was a great first freewrite! I loved your thoughts on society!

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