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RE: Day 760: 5 Minute Freewrite: Tuesday-Prompt: leather shoes

in #freewrite5 years ago

Wow, second grade. That was a terrible year for me, too. Actually, elementary school was pretty dreadful. Couldn't wait to get home every day.

I have a theory: going through social angst either makes you bitter, or compassionate. I think we know how you turned out :)

A nice story--I'm glad your ankles are all better.


What a shame. Why was it terrible for you?

I have the same theory and I turned out just like you. : )

Thanks, my friend. : )

Hi friend,
I survived the trials of childhood--in my case a perfect storm of catastrophes 🌪 None of these were in my control. If I hadn't experienced all that, though, I wouldn't be who I am--very flawed but also very aware.

However my ankles were fine--I was actually quite fleet in a foot race 👟👟 Always something to be grateful for 😄

Be peaceful and happy. Going to look at your lovely Thursday blog now.

Hi AG! Things always happen for a reason. Yes, there is always something to be grateful for and when I think I have it bad, I always remind myself that things could be much worse.
Thanks for checking out my blog. You have a great weekend my friend. : )

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