Death Never Dies

in #freewrite5 years ago

It's been quite a while since I haven't wrote anything on this blog and I doubt that I have more than three posts this month. It is still my best thoughts sharing way and basically the only one. Twitter is just for scrolling through crypto news and Facebook/Instagram is just history for me.

My thoughts that are filling this blog's page today are no celebration ones or even empowering/positive I could say say. It's about death and a painful funeral so you might think again before continuing reading. However it's part of the life's cycles and our deep nature what we call death. We basically live on it, but that's the subject for another post.

It hurts though when someone you know passes away. It hurts even more when the one around him/her is one of your best friends. It does that because we are connected. On Tuesday the mother of such a friend of mine died. Not too old at 66 years of age but not young either. Still... it strikes when you hear about it.

She struggled with diabetes ever since I remember and her condition was getting worse with every year. She didn't even wanted to live anymore but not the same way felt the ones who loved her, her son and her three daughters. Despite that, she past away and the morning I got the call from my friend giving me this news and asking me to take care of his dog for a few hours was one morning in which I cried after many years.

Yes I did. When I entered the house and saw him I couldn't hold it. Probably others/men wouldn't react like this but I'm not like the others. Although I haven't talked with his mother for some years I instantly emphasized with his pain and lots of memories from that house poured behind my crying eyes.

I've spent years of my high-school time at their house, collecting tons of great memories, this friend of mine being like a brother to me and now we were crying like children knowing that there's no turning back and that his mother was gone forever... I know that it is part of life on earth and people die every minute but still hurts.

I did learned/remembered a lot these days. I am, at least for now, aware that spending time with family is much more important than we sometimes acknowledge. I realized that parents are parents and nobody or nothing can replace them and money can't buy anything as we very often believe or hope to. Especially time...

Time heals though, it always does but time also has its important lessons that we sometimes overlook waiting for the future to fulfill us and make us happy running through life instead of chewing hard what we have now. What the present is and has to offer. I also realized that many times I've treated my parents like a complete jerk when I really shouldn't. I have good parents but I'm the dumb one. I admit it.

I do hope to change my attitude forever and be a better son for as long as they will be around. Not all parents deserve attention and kindness though, some are totally opposite to what I'm referring to, but if you have a good family treat it good. It might be the best gift you will ever have.

Thanks for attention,

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