Came up With this New Challenge on Spur of the Moment - The #FreeWalk Challenge

in #freewalk6 years ago (edited)

When I was young I was always a very curious and precocious kid ( and still am to a certain extent :) For instance ,when I was 3, I took off from our house without telling a soul and went exploring in nearby woods. I was gone for hours and they had the whole neighborhood and even the local firemen looking for me. It was a total of 5 hours I was gone. But I was fine, like usual ;)

So Today I Decided To....

Take a Walk from my House. And just do a "free walk" where I get my walking stick, go out of my door ,and let my Mind take me wherever it wants go. And decide my direction on a just moment by moment basis. I have not done this in a long time. As I was leaving my house for this #FreeWalk it hit me. I thought why not make this a Challenge and put in on my Steemit Blog :) To be honest, I am not really into this type of stuff. Never done it before and never really been a strength of mine. Have always been more of a 'textual' content type blogger

So the #FreeWalk Challenge is born...( I will give the Rules for this Challenge at the end of this Post)

I took a 2 hour 30 minute hike/walk. Non stop and yep my legs and feet are sore as hell lol I went out of my neighborhood and miles away from my home. Thru some beautiful back roads and on the way to congested commercial and highway areas and saw some interesting things including a hidden man made pond for swimming, a makeshift library out in the middle of nowhere, a beautiful Buddhist temple and praying grounds. . and a lot more. Really a good diverse geography i toured and investigated.

Here are my Photos and journal of my little #FreeWalk journey below..

Here is me opening the door to go on my #FreeWalk at 4:30 PM Central Time US

Going out of my neighborhood. I decided to head straight through the stop lights. This area I decided to go to is about 2 by 2 square miles of trees and nature. It's in the middle of San Antonio suburbs ( Which is a Metropolis as the 7th largest City in US) So it's like this small patch of beautiful land and it is totally surrounded by developed commercial buildings, highways, interstates , etc.. with a lot of people and traffic. Really unique area.


Native Cacti to South Texas along the country road I hiked on in this patch of land.

I found this beautiful Buddhist Temple and Praying Grounds out in the middle of kind of nowhere

Another closer photo I took of this lovely Buddha

About 1/2 mile from the Buddhist Temple I found this little make shift Library. Once again in the middle of nowhere at least for a library. Just really cool. Wasn't sure if this was a private driveway it was on. But you can use it and take books . Bring them back when done using the Honor System, I assume. This was so neat to see this. Never would have come upon it unless I was walking.


Another photo I took of this neat make shift Library


This charming Sikh Temple is right down from the Little Library


Easter is big with the decorations down here in San Antonio

Caught some Deer action. Such beautiful creatures :)


See this. I just looked over to see this opening to a path from the road. I said to myself what the hell I will climb over the fence and see where the path takes me...


And it took me to this cool little man made Pond with a swimming board to jump in

Finally made it to one of the most highly trafficked highways in San Antonio. ( NOTE : I love being in nature and hiking in back country. More than anything. But I also like mixed terrains. And unlike most people I like to Hike also in commercially developed areas. There is something exhilarating and alluring about walking out in the City with cars passing by and neon lights flashing and everything is bustling. It's such excitement and adventure to me. Just a whole different feeling than being in Nature. You feel really alive but in a different way than being in Nature.

( NOTE : That Lubys is really awesome . We drive there on Saturdays as they have FREE meal day for kids. In 1993, a Luby's in nearby Killeen, TX. saw the most horrific mass murder in the US ever up to that time. A 35-year-old man named George Hennard, an unemployed man who had been in the Merchant Marine, drove his pick up through the glass front of the restaurant. He got out and yelled "All women of Killeen and Belton are vipers! This is what you've done to me and my family! This is what Bell County did to me... this is payback day!" He then opened fire on the patrons and staff with both a 9mm Glock 17 pistol and a 9mm Ruger P89 pistol. He stalked, shot, and killed 23 people, ten of them with single shots to the head, and wounded another 27. He was hunting women and even bypassed males :(


Yours Truly doing the #FreeWalk


If any of you are big basketball fans well you've heard of Tim Duncan . He's probably the best NBA Power Forward of all time and played his whole career here with the San Antonio Spurs. This is his automotive shop called Black Jack ( his jersey number in NBA was always 21) that he has owned for many years. Now that he is retired from basketball, he spends a lot of days here doing what he loves ; fixing hot rods :)


Came across this psychic reader who evidently runs her business from home. Thought I might stop in for a second and ask her where Steem prices are headed and that I would relay the mesage to my Fellow Steemians....She said "give me $40" ... I said "nah" LOL


Damn, she needs an upgrade LOL

Heading back to the Hood, tired and sore lol


And finally back to the house. Whoopee !!


So Rules for the #FreeWalk Challenge

  1. At least a 30 minute walk/hike.. With photos detailing your #FreeWalk
  2. Has to be from your home/apartment/dwelling and you have to walk OUTSIDE of your neighborhood or Apt. complex. Into the World :)
  3. You cannot decide and plan before hand where to go. This is a #FreeWalk where you decide as you go along in the moment . Let your Mind and Soul guide you.
  4. Take a photo of leaving your house with hand on doorknob opening door. And the same thing when returning.
  5. #FreeWalk Challenge lasts through the end of April ( I was going to make it a week but I know it's hard to find the time to do something like this)

Conclusion : I enjoyed this #FreeWalk. Thinking about this little Journey I took if you were to ask me what piece of lasting Advice would I give you ?? if you see a Path that may look like it goes to nowhere...well dammit check it out because you will never know what kind of nice little surprises you'll discover :)






This is a very nice idea and I will do it for sure, if I manage to find the time! Awesome!

Love the freewalk idea! So good to get outside and let your feet take you where they will. :)

No snow at all in Texas? Must be nice but super hot in Summer?

I love the mini library

We always wanted to have one but the city has regulation of some sorts that ppl aren't allowed to have anything similar to free library, free pantry and whatnot

Thanks for the pics, very nice to see around your neighborhood and their cactus!

Btw, do you know #walkwithme ? It's just like #freewalk 😊

Thank you thekitchenfairy. Yeah , the little library was totally unexpected. And, NO, I hadn't heard of #walkwithme. Will check it out though

This is an awesome idea for a contest! I love it, and will most likely be participating. What a fun reason to write a post!

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