Time to make the Dollar Green Again

in #freestuff5 years ago

Just like Venezuela, done been capitalize upon. Socialism is to blame. Corporate fake neo-liberal-conservative-ism to feed the bankers lust for free money, enough FREE Stuff for the elite already. I just can not afford it any more. They have a central bank in all those south American countries too, and they print up money for free. Some are better at it than others. But enough fake money leads to real shortages in Real Supplies, and that is really to be seen when you least expect it. Next come the food lines-riots as the stagflation approaches on the horse. The Biden white house won't be enough of a left turn and the man in Orange might have a hard time making america great again without T.P. Its time to till the soil and give back to make the dollar green again. Its fading green and turning yellow. Real Money Real Economy No Food Riots and enough toilet paper. Fake money people pooping in the streets, shooting up the inner urban areas with drugs and lead. Its a pretty simple equation they teach in most economic schools. The secret is to not let the sheep know they are just printing up fake money at any cost and any excuse under the sun. Now carry on and get back to work for those VALUE-Challenged dollars.