COVID-19: Iowa Update 03.31.20

in #freespeech4 years ago

sb drinks coffee masked and cropped.jpg

Hello everyone!

From the State of Iowa I have an update as to the situation here. We now have 424 confirmed cases meaning 424 hospitalized patients, 4 of them have died. We are still not testing anyone else. Therefore, the actual number of cases is unknown. Thankfully we do not have large cities here like in other states however the cases are now increasing up to 80 cases per day. Our local news breaks down the cases by age group and a large number of our cases are middle aged.

The shutdown of schools and businesses started about 2 weeks ago so keep in mind the incubation period for this as well as how long an average case is symptomatic before ill enough to be hospitalized. The cases we are seeing enter the hospital now were exposed over a month ago. This is why I never believed any sort of government action would only last a few weeks. I understand, however, not telling the public this in order to insure compliance and avoid panic. I also expect the measures to incrementally increase as I have stated before ultimately resulting in travel restrictions between the states and many enforced shelter-in-place orders with fines and jail. The United States is now entering into the beginning stages of this as of this weekend. I will do a separate post on all of that later as that is not local info.

Meanwhile, toilet paper shelves are still empty. Stores have early hours for the elderly and other vulnerable populations. I think this is a good idea. Paper towels are either not available or cost more than I am willing to spend. Rubbing alcohol and hand sanitizer are still not available but you can get a spray can of Lysol if you're fast enough after restocking. Lysol wipes and spray cans go quickly but so far they are still coming into the area. I think toilet paper is too but goes very very quickly. Funny. Packaged snack item shelves are consistently low of product. Fresh food is plentiful as well as many other varieties of canned, frozen, and packaged foods so I am not concerned about food shortages at this point.

As far as attitude, I have seen nothing but courtesy and the usual good manners from folks. Everyone is politely giving one another plenty of space so everyone feels safe. People still greet everyone they encounter with a big smile. This is especially true in the rural areas like where I am now. People in my apartment building are also calm and behaving well. It's louder now that all the kids are home all day and people like my husband are working from home but everyone is getting along alright. No issues so far.

We are doing well. I check in on my family in Upstate New York regularly and so far they are fine. My Mom and Step-Dad were sick about a month or so ago with an extreme and lingering cough and said they felt really bad for awhile. Worst chest cold they had in a long time. I think they may have already had this thing. It's possible due to my Mom's social life and she meets with people who need prayer and comfort. She visits the sick to pray and comfort them as well. She could very well have contracted it. They are over whatever it was now and are both fine. My brother in in self-isolation as he has an immune system disorder and suffers poor health in general from that. In fact, it has already caused heart issues and other complications. He is in danger with this things so he is hunkered down.

That's the update here in Iowa. We do not have a strict Shelter-in-place order at this time. We are simply told to stay home as much as possible and not to gather. There's nowhere to go anyway, most businesses are shut down. I have been spending my time reading and watching movies on my computer. I recommend you spend this time investing in yourself. Exercise, read, teach yourself something new, and most importantly....feed your spirit. These are troubled times and things are going to get crazier. THINK FOR YOURSELF!!! Don't let other people form your opinions. Analyze information yourself and come to your own conclusions. And as always........

Question Everything!

Much Love,

Squirrel Bait

Catch me on:

Email: [email protected]

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It's no different than flu - except for this time, everyone listening to the government and shitting themselves in fear.

Check out the numbers - and ignore the hype

The numbers will surpass this I believe by quite a bit. I agree there is a ton of hype but I also personally believe this virus is very real and is steadily but surely knocking out the undesirables - the weak. Need strong slaves for what's coming. It's much slower than the flu - long incubation period and long illness period. It will take a while to see the real impact. This is a really good plan and has been many years in the making.

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