Should People Be Free To Criticize The Government Online?

When it comes to freedom, should that include the right to express discontent and criticism online with your government? Not just the government either, but every extension of it—the police and the military as well. Should people be free to criticize the people, these organizations, who rule over them?

Freedom of expression differs around the world and the more authoritarian the state is, the more that we see free speech get censored, discouraged, and prohibited.

When it comes to countries that consider themselves to be democracies or those who have aligned themselves with organizations like the U.N., on the surface you might assume that they have an affinity to respect free speech and stand-up for it rather than try to infringe upon it, but we know that this isn't always the case.

It takes guts to speak out against something when the majority of the people around you don't agree with you, or you are putting yourself at risk by speaking out. I think our world is better off thanks to the people who have the courage to stand up for what they believe is right. And patriotism has quite rightly been described as a willingness to challenge the government whenever it is perceived to be acting in the wrong.

The government, ideally, is supposed to represent and serve the people and so why then should the people ever be restricted from voicing their concern or opinion about the organization?

It is a detriment to the people and their freedom, to try and silence that voice of criticism, which is why it bothers me to see authorities cracking down on social media critics lately in Pakistan, who have been expressing discontent with the nation's military.

A new cyber crime law was passed in the country last year, and it's alleged that authorities are using that legislation in order to track social media critics of the military. It's alleged that at least 200 social media accounts have already been investigated, accounts that have posted content which criticizes the armed forces or casts them in a negative light.

According to a statement from the Interior Minister himself, unwarranted criticism for the government is not going to be tolerated. This coming from a country that is a part of the U.N. and is alleged to uphold and respect the natural right to freedom of expression; according to their own Constitution.

Multiple lawmakers and many activists have already expressed concern for the recent crackdown and they say the new rules are aimed at squashing political dissent. Dozens of people have also already been interviewed by authorities, who had their accounts investigated over the matter.

Street protests have been threatened, if the crackdown on free speech doesn't stop.

The HRCP (Human Rights Commission of Pakistan) has already come out and strongly criticized the move by the government to punish critics of the military. They have demanded that the state put an end to their actions in trying to curb freedom of expression online.

If people are free, then they should be free to express their criticisms of the government without any fear of retaliation from that government.



The answer to any question which begins with "Should people be free to..." should always be YES!

Yes Josh, agreed.

please have a look at my last 2 posts brother, give them a vote and resteem, spread the word for sure on winning the STEEM vote for the BTCC exchange!

Keep up your good work and if anyone is not following Josh here or online elsewhere -- def. do it if you like your freedoms!!!

Hey It's josh.. Good to see you on here! I'm Paul Irvine from Facebook. I just followed you on here now as well.

I've been targeted and harassed by gov't controlled agencies for years calling out their corruption. People can see it on my YT channel...

and in my post earlier tonite again about the Bitcoin Price latest post discussing their corrupt practices on the fruadulent monetary policies in place.

So I hope the gov't likes me keeping consistent LOL.

Can you give my latest blog post a like etc - I have been doing them them daily to remind all Steemians to VOTE for our currency on the BTCC exchange, we can win this thing!

Another well written tight article. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this one @doitvoluntarily ;) Keep up the good work!

very nice explaination

Sadly we havent been free in a long while. So many of our liberties have been stripped from us by way of systematic practices to propagate fear and/or distraction while at the same time thrusting economic uncertainty upon most of us......the result is a shaken people, many of which are too depressed or deluded to stand up and fight. I'm glad to see that you arent one of those people. RESPECT

I believe free speech is free speech, doesnt matter if its online or in person.
Thanks for the read
Great article. resteemed

Freedom is just an illusion...


hahaha great film!!

I will upvote this comment immediately :)

the answer to that question should always be yes, why? because the government is (should be or is supposed to be) here for us, not US here for the government.

it's hard to be there for folks when you ignore their consent from the get go lol :)

Agreed 😂😊

Appreciate the conversation. Shared with @Steemtrail.

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