Ross Ulbricht Needs Our Support.

in #freeross7 years ago (edited)


100% of SBD's Earned Will be Sent to the @RossUlbricht Account on Steemit.

Being imprisoned for owning a website is beyond imagination. If we let the government continue to treat the public like this we are just as guilty as the people that put him behind bars. This also goes for any other crime that was victimless. Please support Ross by heading over to Reddit and upvoting this link. Free Ross meme.

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Unlike many from you that upvoted this, I actually went onto the website this guy made. I didn't mind the drugs or the guns. Free market right?

What I did mind was seeing kidneys from 5 years olds being sold. And that was only the tip of the iceberg...

How one could support this guy is really beyond me. Freedom and free markets are one thing boys and girls and we all get the sentiment in the crypto-sphere.

But this? I would like to see how you would feel if the free market was working against the organs of your kids.

exactly. This is the worst of what i expected. Any site that supports and facilitates murder, child porn, black market organs, etc. should be treated as a crime. Simple fix would have been to ban and remove any posts related to any of those heinous crimes. When you knowingly have these types of services being offered and refuse to remove to keep "freedom of speech and trade", I think you deserve what you get. He had good intentions from the beginning it seems, but money corrupts many, and any person with morals should know that facilitating many or even just a few of the illegals things on his site would result in severe consequences, be it through legal avenues or just karma avenues.

There was no murder, child porn or organs on Silk Road. Or stolen property. Everything was voluntary. Not even the government alleged those things.

This is bullshit mixed with propaganda. Are you a government plant? Should Facebook be shut down because government agencies can abuse it? No.

..and fledgeling free markets online shouldn't be shut down either. ...And their alleged creators sure as hell shouldn't be punished without due process of law. (The alleged trial Ross got was a sham. His only chance was yelling over the judge and prosecutor as John Lilburne was forced to do in 1648...back when humanity was first fighting to restore PROPER juries...)

I went to the peaceful Silk Road.
Weapons and child porn was forbidden.
I REALLY doubt kidneys were ever for sale there.
The crowd-rated goods and drugs were of higher and safer quality than anywhere else.
The community was probably the best thing about it. They were informed and helpful. If you wanted information for safer drug use, reviews, alternatives, or help quitting it was all right there. There were also very lively discussions about liberty and freedom, authentic free markets, government control, the monopoly of violence by the government, etc.

Also, worth mentioning: The only unacceptable thing would be coercing someone into selling a kidney(such as a child), or killing someone for both kidneys. Non-coerced kidney sales can save lives ...but are illegal, because governments would rather thousands of innocent people die than have kidney sales.

Not only that, but you could tax the transaction. With those taxes you could provide health care for the donor and recipient because there are usually repercussions. Also with those taxes the lab-grown organ industry could be subsidized and supported.

Of course this is all fantasy because governments don't care about people, foreign or domestic. If they do then they're eventually taken over like Libya, but that's another tragic tale.

I know many people that were on the silk road and NO ONE has EVER said there was anything sold like child parts, or kiddie porn, or anything else that's similar. Guess the govt trolls are in here too :/

So sad, so inevitably true. It's not even paranoia. It's historical precedent. It's also practical for those corrupt villains who exploit us with their monopoly on violence. If the government (police, military, FBI, CIA, NSA, etc - whoever) weren't listening and infiltrating they'd be missing a lever of control - and they'll never let that happen.

It was kind of like a digital flea market. If people sold those things in the flea market would you BUST the flea market who may or may not know, or have a way to do anything about it, or would you actually bust the people selling those things. Creating a place to buy and sell things does not immediately make the person that opened up the space to be a market the guilty party. If this were the case then most public market areas in the world would be busted, including MALLS for some of the stuff people sell or exchange in those spaces.

If he was the one selling those things then you would have a case and it should be proven in a court of law.

Yes I would. You can control as the market owners who takes profits what is being sold there. He was making money from these actions, even if it was a small percentage.

Many public markets are busted and closed if there is convolution up to a point. The markets exist in specific spaces, property and they have administrators for these exact reasons. If the administrator allowed these actions while pocketing some of the profits then yes.

This is why he got 2 life sentences.

Well then you better start throwing banks, credit card companies, etc in jail too. They all have fees and profit off of crime as well.

Treating a human being like they are a machine and capable of tracking everything that goes through their market or even assuming they are monitoring each and every transaction is unrealistic.

He is serving 2 life sentences because the government was not in control. This is their vengeance for that.

Well then you better start throwing banks, credit card companies, etc in jail too. They all have fees and profit off of crime as well.

I am not saying they are any different man

Treating a human being like they are a machine and capable of tracking everything that goes through their market or even assuming they are monitoring each and every transaction is unrealistic.

He had control. It wasn't even that crazy big. He could easily monitor which trades go through. I mean, who trades a severed hand FFS...

He is serving 2 life sentences because the government was not in control. This is their vengeance for that.

I don't disagree. Is just what was going on in that market was pretty awful at times.

FYI we don't even know if Ross was DPR the whole time. Definitive evidence to the contrary (aside from other evidence) is here:

Not sure how he could be DPR logging into the account if he was locked in a cell in solitary and hasn't had internet access in 3.5 years.

Oh and I don't disagree that shit going on in the market was awful at times. Yet I also see the value of such a market itself. It would be nice to find a way or learn new investigation techniques to catch the people selling such stuff, since they didn't go away with is arrest. They just moved elsewhere and continue to be awful people.

Yeap. I understand where you are coming from man. It's not like evil will be controlled, ever since societies will always carry some rules.

wow, thanks for the info. seemed weird that he would get multiple life sentences, but now it makes sense.

I would suggest seeing the reports in Reason magazine than taking the word of the people posting here. There's also a lot of info that's verifiable on the family site:
Also, there is no precedent for such a harsh sentence for all non-violent crimes.

Any market can be used to sell criminal merchandise, including completely disgusting stuff like child porn. People use jargon and euphemisms to advertise their wares when hawking merchandise like this.

Is there any proof that Silk Road in any way promoted or specifically supported this sort of trade.

plenty. I don't have any screen shots though. you can ask around.

I am sorry, but normally in research whoever is making a claim is expected to furnish proof.

I know, it is closed now. can't find the images.

Why not giving him all rewards with reward beneficiaries feature?

When the likes of Henry Kissinger and the Bush family walk free, and Ross is in prison, you know that its all upside down.....

I couldn't agree more that it's upside down. But here's the thing. We all know that. to think that anyone here can actually change that is absurd. We as a group can, but society is still far from making that happen...still too many sheep. At this point, for Ross to have thought that he was above it, or even in line with the "upper society" enough to get away with this is crazy. Smart enough to know how, but not smart enough to know better.

Never forget! It could had been any of us...

Ross is a hero. He's a perfect example of completely out of control statism. Or should I say "IN control?"
He gave people an opportunity to be more free and he ends up in prison. The exact opposite of what the tyrannical statist slave masters claim they stand for.

I wonder how many people upvoted this without knowing he was the admin of drug selling website Silk Road, and how many of them would not upvoted or even downvoted in case they knew.

I think this should be added in the article, although it is very easy to find it by searching a bit.

People can do their own searches and believe what they want. I for one believe very little of what the media says. I understand there are many who only peel off the first layer of an onion and make judgement based on that.

It is not only what the media says, but also what a court said. I think is relevant, and it is relevant too that the website owner obtained a profit from it.

A rigged court of lies said this, with a fake voir-dire-rigged pseudo-jury full of bobble-head tax-slaves who think this government is legitimate. How fucking stupid are you? Are you opposed to making a profit?

Evidence of tampering with the evidence has been discovered FYI before everyone starts believing the government side:

I have met Ross Ulbricht many times, he is the least violent person out there and one of the most remarkable, kind, thoughtful, and deeply principled people I know.

I believe in freedom so I don't have anything against him if he sold drugs. It's a business and there is demand.

Thanks for your commnet, it is interesting to know how people may think the same as you.

I believe that trading with products with so many side effects for society, not only for the ones that consumes them, should not be allowed.

It would be good to ban all drug companies, coca cola and monsanto first...

Agreed, He owned a website that promoted the sales of illegal drugs. He obviously knew the risks, this is the perfect example of pay to play. 2 life sentences might be a bit much, but that is another topic. To say that he just owned a website and went to jail is sort of implying that your neighbor that owns a website selling candles is in jeopardy. Believe me, I am pretty libertarian. If you want to shoot heroin all day and kill yourself, cool. I won't stop you after I've tried like hell to keep you from doing it anymore. I am not against someone smoking pot in their house. But if you do something illegal, or promote those things that you know are illegal and get caught, you should suffer whatever consequences come about.

You're not a libertarian. ...You're a servile piece of shit. ...and possibly a government plant.

actually I am not either one of those. I'm just a casual observer of life.

Double life for all non-violent crimes is "a little much". Um, ok.

Sorry, I just saw your comment. Well, if you consider the amount of people that are serving life in the US for just pot is too much.... I think "a bit much" applies to a guy that knowingly set up the equivalent to an online trap-house.

Yep, I was gonna google the name and see what this website was. I half expected a darknet bazar including weapon/drug/slave trading.

If OP thought there was nothing to it, they would have mentioned it in the post.

I would check out the Deep Web movie, excellent film.

Probably none. ...Unless you've been living in a cave for years (or are very young), you know all about the Silk Road situation.

Two years ago, I would've believed the government and mass media's narrative. Now I do not.

Holy Shit! What has happened to America? When I was a kid in the 70's I won a prize for a school project I wrote on the USA. I had to stand up in front of the teachers and pupils after to read extracts and the Head Teacher went on to tell all the kids about his experiences in the USA as a student. I can remember it like it was yesterday, I was so proud and envious of the American kids because it seemed like a utopia compared to the shitty government housing estate I lived on. I was really hoping you were going to say it was a Banana republic in South America or Africa. The 10 year old me would be crushed. You dudes need to do something about this before its too late, the world needs the American people to rise up and shut these f**kers down.
Please take a look at my post "Don't wanna be an American Idiot"for one possible way to help start turning the tide at @tremendospercy

upvote and rs for you...

Exchellent post ..
I like your hard and beautiful work >>!!

Which country is this? The USA?

haha ;(

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