Now Playing on DTube: Largest Freemason Royal Ritual Held By London's Grand Lodge on October 31, 2017

in #freemasonry7 years ago (edited)

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Posted for Posterity (Historical Record)

The Tercentenary program of the United Freemason Grand Lodge of England was held at the Royal Albert Hall in October 2017. The event was held in celebration of the 300th anniversary of the founding of the Premiere Grand Lodge in London in 1717.

On Halloween 2017, the Freemasons celebrated 300 years of Royal influence in London.

The Masons sang "God save the Queen, let her reign over us." in unison.

Prince Edward - Duke of Kent, the grandson of King George V and Queen Mary, is their Grand Master, who stated that he speaks with 136 other Grand Masters.

They acted out a play, with George Washington and Benjamin Franklin explaining the Masonic influence over the founding of the United States.

They joked about putting the all-seeing eye on their bank note.

Thousands of Masons from all over the world, gathered inside the Royal Albert Hall, where a giant triangular compass displayed a holographic eye in the center of the hall and a ritualistic performance was acted out.

Link to You Tube version:

The full 2.5 hour version can be found here:

Images screen captured from both videos:

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A few points of note:

Symbolism is everything to these global elitists. Everything is acted out upon the chessboard, the global stage. The ritual begins between two pillars. The all-seeing eye dominates the scene. Players, protectors, pawns and unwitting dupes act and dance upon the stage and play their roles. The black and white checkerboard symbolizes "as above, so below", duality. The compass is balance, level and direction. The Freemasons are almost entirely white old men, royalty, academics, industry and corporate leaders. The ritualistic play that develops from the all-seeing eye beneath the compass includes historical world events and countries that the UK colonized, subjugated and exploited. Note the far east, US colonies and India play leading roles. Conquests, invasions, overthrows and colonization are portrayed as benevolent acts. George Washington and Ben Franklin play roles upon the stage and are paid tribute to by the UK Grand Lodge.

Slightly off topic , but important lesser known information:

George Washington wanted the land west of the Appalachians. He already had deeds to certain land lots prior to the war. Thus, it is my belief that he and King George worked together to deceive the Cherokee leaders who King George had made promises to in the Proclamation of 1763 to not expand the 13 original colonies beyond the Appalachian mountain range. Historical documents prove clearly that Washington had these deeds upon various land lots. I believe they needed a ruse to attain it. Washington was a 33rd degree freemason. The Grand Lodge was only established in the UK in the years before the 'US war of independence'. I believe that the elite played the American people even then. All the worlds a stage, a chessboard, as symbolized in their deeply presented rituals.

Other performances on the stage highlight illumination and even include a tribute to freemason military life beneath an illuminated global earth. At this point of the performance the actors make reference to belief in magic. (At 1:33:00 mark in long video). The magic flute is then introduced and a dark clothed female opera singer then takes to the stage exhibiting intense facial expressions under the all-seeing eye and illuminated stage.

Information on colonists designs upon native American land:


Historian Bernard Bailyn noted that George Washington “wrote enthusiastically in 1767 about an ‘opening prospect in the back country for adventurers, where numbers resort to, and where an enterprising man with very little money may lay the foundation of a noble estate.’ Anyone he declared, who neglected the ‘present opportunity of hunting out good lands and in some measure marking and distinguishing them for his own (in order to keep others from settling them) will never regain it.” Although fellow Virginian Thomas Jefferson never ventured west of the Blue Ridge Mountains, he shared Washington’s predilection for western vistas” and western expansion.


What in the actual ****... This is blowing my mind, what is coming to this world?

WOW Christopher!

I can't believe I missed seeing this amazing post. Re-steeming it!

I have been researching Freemasonry for years and am still doing so. They have been infiltrated by the Illuminati for a very long time now. Case in point: here are some links and a quick excerpt from non other than George Washington responding to Reverand G.W. Snyder on his warning about the Illuminati:

Mount Vernon, September 25, 1798.
Sir: Many apologies are due to you, for my not acknowledging the receipt of your obliging favour of the 22d. Ulto, and for not thanking you, at an earlier period, for the Book8 you had the goodness to send me.
I have heard much of the nefarious, and dangerous plan, and doctrines of the Illuminati, but never saw the Book until you were pleased to send it to me.9 The same causes which have prevented my acknowledging the receipt of your letter have prevented my reading the Book, hitherto; namely, the multiplicity of matters which pressed upon me before, and the debilitated state in which I was left after, a severe fever had been removed. And which allows me to add little more now, than thanks for your kind wishes and favourable sentiments, except to correct an error you have run into, of my Presiding over the English lodges in this Country. The fact is, I preside over none, nor have I been in one more than once or twice, within the last thirty years. I believe notwithstanding, that none of the Lodges in this Country are contaminated with the principles ascribed to the Society of the Illuminati. With respect I am &c.

Some quick links on this:

I'd highly recommend the following (lengthy) book if you have time to read:

The Master Game: Unmasking the Secret Rulers of the World by Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval which has a lot (very well referenced & footnoted) on the subject.


Cheers man.

Thanks for the recommendation on the read Dan. Glad you appreciated the post. My theories on Washington came from a book I read many moons ago on his personal letters, that combined with what I know now on how the elitist rulers of countries play both sides. It never made sense to me that vicious King George III invited the Cherokee leaders to travel to London and meet with him, unless it was a ploy after the seven years French Indian War Treaty of Paris agreement that was in the works at the time.

The British Empire has always been such a vicious, tyrannical, conquering empire so if you consider that King George III had to make nice with the French and the Indians at the same time and then redirect and use the Revolutionary War result to open up all the American land after making false promises to the Cherokees it makes some sense, just as today, the elite can pit two sides against each other while keeping both in the dark as they employ the Hegelian dialectic of problem, reaction, solution via two opposing sides actually under one side (freemasonry). Then all that remains is to sell the narrative through adjusted history lessons and a massive information campaign after the conflict is resolved. The reason this theory has merit to me is due to the fact that George Washington was a reported 33rd degree Freemason and it has been stamped in stone above the title of president.




Alas, I am always open for learning more and will definitely look into the material you recommend and adjust my thinking if it new info makes it necessary. Best regards.

CAN'T RESTEEM? :( Christopher, I can't find the double-arrow resteem button; where the heck is it? This is not the first time this happened to me. Is it a bug in Steemit? Sometimes the resteem button would not appear in the article itself but only in the list of posts for a given user (where I could at least usually press it to resteem; but this one neither is showing). If you know what is going on pls let me know. Will be out of town for a couple days so if I don't respond, pls hold on. Thanks!

Thanks Dan for the heads up on the resteem button not being available. Not sure whats going on in that regard. I am having all kind of weird things happen to my account now. I had 45+ videos in my DTube archive (all involving highly important geopolitical matters) now there are only 15 showing there. I know not where they have gone to. I also have had Steemit blockchain developer @sneak attempting to hide my posts, being aggressively rude and calling me a tin foil hat conspiracy theorist, amongst other things. Thus, my hope for the platform is somewhat diminished. Alas, I will stay with it and fight the good fight as I always do. :) It just will be somewhat more difficult I suppose, particularly since one never knows with these kind of things whether the problem is technological, orchestrated and/or personal.

I really hope these issues get fixed for you. I was reading a really good post (Will Flagging Ultimately End up Killing the Steemit Platform?) about similar issues on Steemit. It is my desire that the platform will avoid the mistakes of Google/Facepuke/Twitter/etc. I'm hoping its design is good enough and the witnesses and other moderators don't become bought-and-paid-for by you know who...

The overwhelming majority of Freemasons have no clue what the higher ups in the organisation engage in...

If they are all so equal as they claim, then why is the Duke of Kent the Grand Master? Why is there a need for a Grand Master in the first place? Does he need to control the plebs? Not very equal then are they! It's all about deception. All of it....

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