Why I Spent My Canada Day Doing Free Hugs and Playing With My Light Saber

in #freehugs6 years ago (edited)

For the past several years I have always made it my mission to get out on Canada Day to do some Shiftivism. (Shiftivism: Intentional acts of compassion and creativity to help assist with the shift in consciousness.) Each year, here in London, Ontario, Canada, I have commonly gone to Harris Park down by the river to attend the fireworks display that happens at 10pm. Throughout the day there are community events and thus there is a seemingly endless stream of people coming and going. It is an obvious prime opportunity to spark synchronicity, connect with people, and plant conscious seeds. 

This year is Canada's 150th year since it has been recognized as an independent nation. But of course, Canada Day is not all fireworks and celebration for everyone. In fact it is widely recognized as being a very polarizing day for many people. There is a lot of trauma and anguish within our history specifically related to our relationships with aboriginal people and their culture over the years. (Canada may be 150, but the aboriginals have been here well over 16 000 years.) I do not deny any of trauma and hardship, but in the midst of our imperfect history, I focus on the fact that the Canada we have today is a great opportunity to build from, heal through, and a beautiful place to help set an example for others in the world to see. One in which we can move forward into with deeper understanding, compassion, and an integrated innate spiritual awareness that the aboriginals carry and eagerly share with the rest of Canadian culture as a whole. I am very proud to be human - and I am equally proud to be in Canada amongst native traditions and spiritual teachings. I am proud and grateful to be in a place I have the privilege to be able to play, celebrate, and help co-create a better world in ways that will reach far and wide.

So with that said, I packed up my gear and at about 8pm I set off on my adventure to head downtown while the sun while still up. Although this year I had to modify my tactics because I was in the current process of getting over the tail end of a basic cold. Normally my primary tactic would be to stand in a spot with a Free Hugs sign and focus on that, but this year I decided to focus on creating a little sacred space next to the main path to allow people to come up to me. My focus wasn't primarily on Free Hugs in the same way, but it would still be a potent portal for and synchronicity.

Within my set up I would sit down on my hoverboard while doing some crystal wire wrapping and laid out some free Shift Buttons to give as gifts (buttons with conscious symbols on them and link people back to the Paradigm Shift Central project via the website on the button to help build the team and share our ongoing conscious media ripple the inspiration), some Free Hugs Signs (which I would give to people when they asked for a hug, since I was not at full hugging capacity myself), some Light Crystals I made for people to play with and purchase if they wished, the magic light Pinecone Crystal as a centre peace to create the setting and amplify the magic, my Light Saber (which I would be spinning later), and my tarot card deck which I would use to offer some people a reading if they were interested, and my singing bowl that I would use to play here and there.

Before I even got set up I made a note of following my intuition and telempathy to locate connect with a few people I met along the way. For example, once at the park I saw a very cute older couple hanging in a hammock from a tree that they rigged up themselves. It instantly reminded me of the time my partner and I spent in a hammock the past weekend at the Om Festival. So I went up and talked to them, complimented them on their hammock, and instantly got into some conscious conversation. They told me about their travels and how the hammock had been with them all over the world. I gave them some Shift Buttons as a gift and they asked me about what I do. I explained to them that I have gotten to the point in my life where my 'job' is to help shift consciousness, creating conscious media, and build community. They both noticed my Light Crystal I was wearing, and coincidently enough the husband told me that back in the day he made his own magical staff that would light up - but only when the holder was wearing a special ring to connect the circuit. The synchronicity between our creations was really inspiring. Perhaps someday I will get to see that staff myself. Before I went on my way I invited and told them about the local Paradigm Shift London open-minded discussion and meditation meet ups we have, every Friday 7-9pm at the Ground Up Vegan Cafe, 717 Richmond St. They smiled and said they looked forward to coming ouy and connecting again. I thanked them, said Happy Canada Day, and was on my way to set up. 

Just for the fun of it, I decided to set up on the path right across from my new hammock friends. I could see them watching me from a distance later on as we waved to each other with a smile once I was set up. I always think that when I do things like this, I do it as a shared experience, and I wanted them to be a part of it too - simply by observing and smiling along. 

And so, with the sun having just set I created my sacred space, sat down, and took a breath. Having done variations of many Shiftivism tactics over the years I never had a doubt in my mind as to whether it would work. I knew that by me being there it created and opened a portal for the synchronicity to occur. I put out the intention, I arrived, I created, and I followed through. 

It was not long until one by one some people would stop along the path as the colour changing Pinecone Crystal caught their attention from a distance. The first person who came up to me was a boy no older than 11 years old. Not surprisingly enough, he recognized the Eye of Horus button right away. He asked about it and I told him that simply put it is a symbol for awareness. About us waking up within the dream. He grabbed that one and I invited him to grab another one to give to a friend. He took a look at the Light Crystals, complimented them, said thank you, and
then was on his way. 

(*Imagine a picture of me sitting and smiling here. A friend of mine took a picture of me, but I will add it to this entry later once she has sent it to me.)

Only moments after others would come up and chat with me. Soon I started to run into people I knew - and people who knew me. "Hey its the Free Hugs guy! :D" With enough Shift Buttons on me to share, small groups of people came up and would chat. They would ask about the buttons, and some would say things like "Woah! I love the geometry!" or some would literally say "Hey! Sacred geometry buttons!" to which I would reply "You know it ;)". Through the act of giving and gifting we create a powerful interaction with others and a lasting impression of compassion. And the exciting part as per usual, is that the gift goes far beyond just the Shift Button itself. (I often refer to Shift Buttons as magic buttons when sharing them with people on the spot - because they literally are.) "There is a website on the button that you can check out, its an interactive project me and my friends have been doing for awhile to help change the world." "Awesome Ill check it out! Thanks!". 

Within my set up I also had little a sign with some "pay what you wish' prices listed on it for some of the items and the tarot reading. Though the majority of the Shift Buttons were given out for free as intended, there were several people who were happy to donate in return. Later on this money would play another part in the story.

Over the next hour these patterns of interaction would continue. Each one similar yet unique. Some people would ask about the Free Hugs, but due to my cold I told them that if they wanted they could have the Free Hugs Sign (which is laminated and meant to last).  While passing the sign on to them I would reminder them "with great hugs comes great opportunity." They would smile and be on their way. 

Eventually while I was there a couple and their young girl came up to me and asked for a Tarot reading. Awesomely enough the man knew who I was because I had given him a flower of life Shift Button yeaaaars ago during a previous Free Hugs mission. And the super cool part is that he was wearing it on the hat that he had on in that moment! He told me that to him it meant something. Like a good luck charm. It represented something more. Hope perhaps. And so, it was his partner who was interested in the Tarot Reading, so they sat down, and I explained to her about how tarot cards work through the power of synchronicity as a way for the universe to communicate to ourselves - and to share with us what we need to hear in that moment. I showed her how to charge the deck and she pulled a card. The card she chose was The Chariot - a powerful card about taking action in our life and rising above old patterns and base nature. A card that I feel is important for all of us to draw at a time. After the reading she thanked me and gave me 5 dollars. I thanked them again and reminded them of the local Paradigm Shift London meet up and told them to just check the Team Map on the website for the local time and place if they needed to double check. 

(Being able to simple direct people to the Team Map for the local meet up info for their Paradigm Shift Community is a potent tactical ability for all of us to use. This way you dont have to worry about handing out an extra pamphlet or anything. The vision I have is it that as more and more Paradigm Shift Communities become activated within the game and their local meet up info is included in the Team Map, that this will increase  the potency of the Shift Buttons for people - helping accelerate the ability for people to synchronize. Give someone a button, tell them to check the Team Map for your location and meet up, and there it is. Simple and effective.)

As the twilight soon became night time, it was getting close to when the fireworks would begin. More people came up here and there as the patterns continued to naturally unfold. Connecting with family, adults, and children alike. I did not keep track of how many Shift Buttons I had given out, but it was indeed plenty. Just by me being there I had connected with dozens and dozens of people within a short amount of time. I was grateful to be able to create this space and share this experience with others. As per usual, I have no real idea of knowing just how far my simple actions would ripple from that night. But thats the magic of it all. Casting our actions with intention, and allowing the ripples to unfold as they may. Consciousness doing what it can to help wake itself up. Awakening within the dream.

In that moment I begin to hear from a distance the Canadian national anthem playing from one of the stages and the crowds of people sing along. As I sit there and listen I begin to play my singing bowl and close my eyes as I meditate and imagine a bubble of white light expanding from my heart. I am grateful. 

And then, like the thunderous sound of a drum, a celebratory ignition of colour lights up the sky like something out of a dream - the fireworks begin. In this moment I took time for myself to stand up and grab my light saber. With hundreds of people spread out across the grass behind me, I ignited my blade and began to practice spinning. In the moment I choose to record a couple minutes of it to share. I spun my blade with flow as the psychedelic colours exploded behind me. In that moment I was by myself and with everyone all at the same time. Though it was not the forefront of my focus - no doubt hundreds of people in the grass would have indirectly been seeing and watching me spin my saber as a pleasant addition to the fireworks spectacle. Shortly upon igniting my saber I could hear a few voices from the crowd "Its a Jedi!". In that moment being able to spin my saber was my meditation. A moment of reflection and celebration for us as humans and dreamers within the dream. Reflecting on where we have been, what we have done, who we are now, where we are going, and who we are becoming. Bringing the vision of the past, present, and future in to one moment through the magic of dance and flow. 

Its interesting to think that though many people who saw me would not be people who would come and talk to me in that moment - at the very least for some of them (primarily the younger children) they would know - and remember - that there is a Jedi here in London. A Light Guardian. 

In many ways me dancing was also me bringing back the free-spirtedness I still carry with me from the magic of the Om Festival. To be able to continuing to carry and bring that magic back into babylon. To rebirth the heart of babylon from within through the magic of expression, compassion, and creativity. This is and always has been a part of my / our mission. 

I stopped recording on my camera after only a couple minutes but I danced for many more. The fireworks would continue for a good amount of time. At least 30+ minutes. "Oooo" and "ahhh"s as I looked back on the crowd to see all of these faces mesmerized by the magic in this moment. I was grateful - to see it all, and to be a part of it. Igniting the fireworks of our hearts. 

After the fireworks concluded, the crowd left their spots on the grass as they began to make their way out the park. Many of them in a bit of a rush to be able to beat large traffic of the crowds. Compared to when I first set up, the amount of traffic at this point was tremendous. Hundreds upon hundreds were walking along the paths here I was set up. Of course many of whom would have the chance to walk past me and clearly see the Free Hugs sign. Here and there I would here comments from passer bys. "Free Hugs. Thats cute :)", and the odd "Free Hugs? That's weird." To both I simply replied with "Happy Canada Day :)". Undeniably, many would carry even that simple observation home with them. When some people would take notice to the sign I would point out to them that they were welcome to have a Free Shift Button too. Just like before many came up and took the time to look at the buttons and choose one or a couple to share. Some people I never got to directly talk to them much or even remind them about the website. But I trust that when the time is right they will see the website and be called to check it out themselves. As a side note - I always think about how in some cases sometimes a Shift Button may end up somewhere, like in the possession of a kid, and it wont be until perhaps years later that they finally see and check the Paradigm Shift Central website mentioned on it. And yet, even still, in that moment, it will be the right time for them. Because helping 'unplug people from the matrix' and helping 'wake people up within the dream' is something that must be done softly. And I trust that everyone will awaken to many of the common realizations about the nature of this reality that we all share within at some point - be it in this life time or another. We are all connected. We have more potential to create than we have been lead to believe. And we are multi-dimensional beings by nature. My mission is to not always directly tell people these ideas - but rather to help create a path for them to remember these ideas for themselves. And that is why Shiftiivsm is so important, so simple, and so powerful. Creating habits of compassion and open mindedness. Thinking seven generations ahead - just as the aboriginals have taught us. The ripples go farther than we may ever know… and that's what makes it so beautiful. 

As the crowd continued to flow for the next half hour I continued to connect with many more people. Several of which I invited to take a Free Hugs sign since they asked about it. Even just that act alone is so potent. Being able to help activate more and more Free Hugs carriers in our city and beyond. Many of them will carry the signs with them in their backpacks and take them with them where ever they go. One simple act of Shiftiivsm in turn helps activate another wave of new Shifters. 

With some random bonus fireworks still going off in the distance, the crowds emptied out of the park. Soon enough I was the last person there, minus two other people behind me. These last two people had stayed awhile longer to just lay in the grass and look at the stars together. One of them came up to me to see what I was up to. And of course, as a holographic reflection of the synchronicity of the whole night, he was a person who was totally into the shift in consciousness as well. I complimented him on his mala bead necklace. He told me that he just moved to London from Hamilton, so I invited him out to our local meet up and he was excited to check it out. As he was choosing a Shift Button to pick his other friend came up, who happened to be someone I knew who had come out to Paradigm Shift London in the past. She agreed that he would totally enjoy coming out. We smiled, reflected on the humour of us new wave hippies always managing to find each other, thanked one another, and were on our way. 

With the smoke lingering from the fireworks, and the light shining through the trees, a teepee stands erected at a distance. In this moment I am reminded of the aboriginal teachings and our shared mission to unite and heal the heart of all humans. To stand together as mother earth, for mother earth. With another deep breathe, I exhale. Now that I was officially the only person in the park that I could see, I packed up. I put away my Shift Buttons, the Free Hugs Signs, the magic Pinecone Crystal, and my Tarot Cards. I grabbed my light saber, and jumped on my hoverboard. I took in the fresh air as I spun my saber for fun while floating on the path. But even though the fireworks were done - my night of Shiftivism was not completely over…

As I left the park I made my way back out to Richmond St - the main street downtown that was now full with young adults traveling between the various bars and destinations. My energy at this point was getting tired, so I took some time to slow down and rest. In a normal situation I would naturally pull out a Free Hugs sign and do my thing with my satchel of Shift Buttons. But this time I instead decided that I felt more just like spinning my light saber on the street corner - which in itself is still a form of Shiftivsm. Simply bringing creativity to the streets for others to see. Soon enough I synched up with my good buddy Spinny who was playing his didgeridoo on the corner again. Over the years him and I have crossed paths many times. I asked him if it would be cool if I spun my saber next to him while he played. I leaned up a Free Hugs sign on my backpack that way so people could still see it and I would still give out the odd hug here and there (while still letting people know that I was just getting over a cold, but obviously no one really cared anyways.) 

For the next hour or so I continued to get into my flow and did a short live broadcast while I did. Spinning the saber and just allowing people to see. "Woah that guy's got a light saber! Cool!". And as simple as it is, for some it will still leave an impression. Perhaps it will inspire them to push their own boundaries of creativity. Perhaps they will see me again later on and remember that I was that guy with the light saber. In that moment I was simply being me. A literal Light Guardian. A beacon. A living and breathing symbol of something more. In many ways what I was doing was just an ongoing continuation of the ongoing story I have been weaving as a Shifter in my local city for years by simply making myself seen and creating the invitation for people to know of me, connect with me, and in turn the local Paradigm Shift London community and beyond. 

(The above video quality is low because the live video did not save to my cameras properly. So I had to download and re-upload to youtube.)

While I was spinning there were only a handful of people who directly came up and talked to me or asked for a free hug. I'm pretty sure a few people Snap Chatted me too :P. Interestingly enough, amidst the synchronicties, a cool middle aged man came up for a hug and was really into what I was doing. I gave him a Shift Button and told him that it is an interactive project to help expand consciousness. At which point he openly told me that he was a Free Mason and I was basically like "ya , so you know what I'm talking about then." At which point he shook my hand using the super secret magic Free Mason handshake that I intuitively remembered from years back from when a friend showed me. Maybe I didn't even do it right, but oh well. :P I invited him to the meet up and he said he would come check it out.

Now as a side note - what's interesting in all of this is that in all the years that I have done all of my Paradigm Shift London stuff in my city, I have never fully met any Free Masons other then a couple buddies from back in the day who joined up with them at the time. As it turns out there is quite a bit of Free Mason stuff in London - much of which I know is because of the laylines of the land. London has some very powerful energy here, and the Free Masons are aware of this awell when they helped build it in its foundation and ongoing years. To me I was always curious about meeting the Free Massosn at some point - because I figured given the energy I put out that I would naturally cross paths with them eventually. Now as for my opinion on them - simply put I don't mind them. I think that in a very simple way a lot of what the Free Masons are traditionally about about (beyond any crazy stuff you could assume) is just helping build community, helping people, and assisting within the Shift. And then within their group there are layers, within which they are also well aware of the multi-dimensional nature of this reality, and are interested in things like the power of the mind, our interconnectedness, esoteric knowledge, and so forth. 

What's interesting - and not to side track to far from the core of this Quest Journal - but way way back I had always been aware of the Free Masons and how what I was doing was something that would probably be of interest to them. But in the back of my mind I also had this narrative that perhaps within my soul contract I kinda said to the Free Masons "Look, I'm gonna do a bunch of stuff. Just keep a distance and let me do what I need to do, and then when the time is right we can cross paths." Which again - is why I found it interesting that literally up until that moment I hadn't really had any direct contact with any local Masons. I don't see them as being an elite group or anything like that. They are just people, and I would be curious to sit down and talk to any of them as much as I would any of you. Furthermore, just to expand upon things a bit further within the bigger mythos, I have felt within the background of my soul narrative that it is possible that in past lives I have myself in some ways had my own connections to esoteric orders. Things like the Templars, for example. Even going back to legends of King Arthur, Knights of the Round Table, Merlin, and so forth. Many of which you can see forms of appearing within what we do through the Paradigm Shift Central project today, (Team Building Circles = Round Table, etc etc.) But for me it was always just something that was natural. And so, I had this idea that as I step through the mystery of my own remembrance I feel that in some way what I have come here to create with Paradigm Shift Central was kind of like me saying "Okay - heres the plan. I am going to help carry some of this esoteric knowledge with me into the present day and help weave it back into culture. But I am going to do it in a way that is different. A way that is more accessible, grounded, and modern. I am going to do things in a way that Free Masons or Templars would never be able to. Something new, and yet ancient. It will be its own thing, but it will reflect the objectives of consciousness as a whole with the intentions of helping assist with the Shift and our journey of self-awareness and remembrance within this reality." And so, with that said, I just thought it was interesting that after all this time I finally ran into a Free Mason doing Free Hugs (though I honestly probably have run into other ones and maybe didn't fully know it at the time.) In all reality maybe I wont see him again, I really don't know. It's not a huge deal, I just think its interesting. And as I said, I am more interested in the opportunity to learn from one another as much as I am interested in learning amongst all of us. 

As the clock ticked on past midnight I continued my Light Saber flow for awhile longer and gave out only a handful of Shift Buttons. As my body began to yearn for rest, I felt accomplished in what I had done that night and began to get ready to head home. My friend Spinny would continue playing for the rest of the night, bringing much needed music to the street. Before I left I took a 5 from my pocket that had been given to me earlier from the Tarot reading and gave it to Spinny as I thanked him, fist bumped, and went on my way. 

Only moments later around the corner, I hoverboarded past another fellow playing his guitar who I had met awhile back. I stopped, reached into my pocket again, pulled out another 5 given to me by someone for some Shift Buttons earlier, and thanked him as well. He told me he remembered me because I gave him a Shift Button awhile back. Similar to before - he told me that he still carries the button with him as an amulet of good energy. I smile as he says this. We chat for awhile longer about life and the world and agree that art and compassion is an important key in helping create a brighter future. I offer him another Shift Button, he puts it on his jacket, we thank each other again, and I ride off down the street on my way home. 

Countless Free Shift Buttons and smiles shared. Celebrations and conversations had. Connections made. Seeds planted. And thus, new realities and timelines activated. 

Shift Mission accomplished. 


Thank you for reading this Quest Journal. As always it is my intention that in doing so it helps share the excitement as well as the examples of how these are simple techniques that any of us can replicate, modify, and do anywhere and everywhere we are. 

Whether you have Shift Buttons or otherwise - there are endless ways to engage in Shiftiivsm. I look forward to hearing more about your adventures through the Quest Journals you share. 

For those who would like to get some Shift Buttons to use where they are, they are easily available for the Team Patreon supporters when you add your support as a monthly micro donation and in return get your Shifter Booster Kit with Shift Buttons and Free Hugs signs. You can add your support for the team and the ongoing evolution of the project as a whole any time at www.patreon.com/BrendonCulliton

As a bonus to the theme of this Quest Journals here is a the Free Hugs and fireworks video to enjoy that I made from Canada Day 2016 that is still very relevant. 

Thank you again, and as always, thank you for carrying the Shift with you. 

0N3 L0V3 

- Brendon


Skull Babylon

Connect more with the global team of Shifters we are creating.





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