
This is a really good post @raj808 ... I particularly like the way you start with the issue of fear and mindset being half the battle, and manage to entwine the more abstract ideas with the very concrete examples from your own SIBO journey. The Thich Naht Hanh quote at the end is a personal fav of mine too. A lovely final contribution. LOL.

I'm also putting this post forward into the @c-squared curation community for you to try and get you some new audience and more support.

Thank you Artemis.

I have been on something of a spiritual journey ever since falling ill with this condition. To be honest I'm not sure where I stand on the idea of a higher being, but that doesn't really matter in how spiritual, and particular Buddhist practices provide all the tools for escaping from those prisons of the mind we build for ourselves. I used to have really bad anxiety and depression as well and I really wish I'd discovered meditation and particularly Eckhart Tolle at that time. I only mention him as he is very good at providing the pointers to presence for a western mindset.

Anyway, thanks for checking out my post and submitting it to C-Squared. I'm glad you liked it and appreciate the curation :)

I think that few people do not really consider the fact that being sick does not just involve their physical bodies. so if they experienced a prolonged negative emotions, they keep thinking of them as nothing but stress- nothing more.

Yes, you're right @nurseanne84

This is one of the problems with the modern medical metadology... it's far from whole-istic. What I mean is that traditional medicine focuses on treating symptoms (with disease) without really considering the mental.

I hope one day this will change, especially with chronic gut conditions as there is proven a proven connection between gut and brain.

Thanks for your comment and perspective, I appreciate it!

I've been in dialysis for about 17 years now and I must say that most of my struggles requires me to handle it mentally and I think that I am handling it well in that regards because I am not crazy yet despite my condition had transformed me into an uninteresting ugly creature that most people just doesn't want to deal with. @raj808
Handling it all mentally doesn't mean that all will be well, it will just mean that you can survive it.

Handling it all mentally doesn't mean that all will be well, it will just mean that you can survive it.

Absolutely right cryptopie. It doesn't solve underlying problems but it can just make it better in how you deal with those problems. I think you are one of the strongest people I've seen in how you deal with your very severe illness.

Big love and respect to you! This post is just about how I deal with this condition and is not meant to be teaching anyone anything lol. Just documenting my thoughts and strategies.

Thanks for reading my post.

I pray to God that someday you will overcome your health issues @raj808
God bless and keep you. :)

What you feed the body is essential my friend, but what you feed the mind is also very important. "To step away from the self" is my mantra. The mind can thrive on junk thoughts as well as on pure thoughts, exactly the same as the body.
It all depends on what we feed it!
Blessings and I wish you well!

"To step away from the self" is my mantra.

Absolutely, we're on the same page for sure :)

Well said, @raj808. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. I hope that is part of the healing as well. And by gosh and by golly I hope you're able to kick this thing to the curb and get your health back! But even some improvement and the mental adjustments you're making will hopefully make an enormous difference in how you live your life.

This is a good lesson for us all -- that the main thing we can have some control over is our mental state and how we perceive the difficulties life sends our way.

the main thing we can have some control over is our mental state and how we perceive the difficulties life sends our way.

Exactly. It is a hard thing to perpetuate that escape from ego 24/7 lol Too many things in the world are calling to that little voice inside to get involved with this drama or take sides on this issue, that keeping the mind quiet all the time is pretty much impossible... also would we ever get anything done? Is the question most often asked.

But what I've found is that I have obsessive tendencies and without actively quieting my thoughts pretty much daily, I never get anything done because 'busy thoughts' take over. This is something anyone who has suffered anxiety will recognize and it's such a waste of precious time when you can't take control of your thoughts.

Anyway, I'm still hopeful to find a way to cure or manage this condition so that the worries simply won't be there to continuously pull me back to those mental questions about an uncertain future :)

Thanks, as always, for your support :)

Challenges beget anxieties which beget challenges.... Without finding a way to gain some control, we become victims of that vicious cycle.

Sorry to hear that SIBO - didn’t realize. Hope things will get better for you. I was recently reading a research paper about CBT and positive effect on IBS. Totally agree most battle is in the mind.

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Yeah... It's a kicker.

I tried CBT oil a while ago but it didn't help. Ibs is kind of like an umbrella diagnosis to be honest. They diagnosed me with that before I figured out it was SIBO due to the meds they have me not working. Don't get me wrong I don't think ibs isn't real, just that at least 50% of doctors diagnosis of patients as having ibs are wrong.

Thanks for your suggestion though, if my hydrogen breath test comes back negative for SIBO I might try CBT again as it's meant to be a great antiinflammatory for the gut.

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I think I might have confused you, CBT = Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, kind of borne out of meditation

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Ha ha, that's funny.

Yes, I'm familiar with CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) I undertook CBT for depression problems many moons ago.

I'm this case (SIBO), CBT isn't really the best use of my time to be honest. This condition is not like ibs where a large part of the problem is the gut brain connection. The most important thing with SIBO is to get rid of the overgrowth, find and treat the underlying cause and finally balance the digestive system. Of course, the stress of trying to figure it all out is a factor... But honestly I found CBT to be a little like homework. I understand that its a kind of brain retraining, but the actual dairy keeping etc causes me more stress than it eliviates. At the moment I'm just super focused healing the physical with some meditation and gentle yoga to pull me away from getting too wrapped up in it all 🙂

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A very informative and well written post and so true! Sometimes the mental battle and overcoming our own doubts and bad habits are truly half the battle, indeed !

I hope you will continue to conquer your battles well, @raj808 :) Facing SIBO seems to be a very trying thing and I can sense your strength and your courage from this post <3

Thanks veryspider

Yeah, I'm never gonna give up on figuring this out.... but I've realized that part of healing is actually being able to distance myself from the struggle of figuring it all out. Ha ha, that's where all the meditation and mental work comes in.

Writing the 4 posts about this issue, and the supportive comments, have been really helpful in keeping me distracted from obsessing over results, the general drudgery of eating a liquid diet during the elemental treatment and the relentlessness this bacterial overgrowth has in just not dying! It's been four years now and without these outlets I think I might have gone a bit loopy.

Thanks again for your support :)


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