3 Things that I am Afraid to Lose

in #freedomtribe5 years ago

What's the one thing you have lost - or would be afraid to lose - which would limit

(or has already limited) your personal # Freedom?"

This is an entry for the @freedomtribe who has an interesting topic about freedom. In this essence, I would love to highlight i with a bullet form so I'll be easier to read, I guess.

Personal freedom is very important to me as growing up. I had made choices that made me who I am today for (good and bad) and all of those are from the freedom I got from the state and being a person. So here's all the things I thought that might make me crazy if my personal freedom would be limited.

3. Freedom to Speak-up

I know this sounds cliche already, but being able to speak what you think may right is a great sense of freedom. Whether in political, civil and environmental. I always believe that no opinions or a statement given by a person is wrong. Sometimes opinions are just to be understood in different points of view.

2. Choice of people/ things to be in my life


Whether it'll be what I wear for tonight, choice of food and choice of people whom i want to be in my life is important. I cannot imagine someone or some law in the land dictating which person should be with me when I wanted to the library or anything. I just can't. It'll be more better if I am alone than having unwanted people.

1. Follow Jesus Christ and follow his commands.

I may sound religious in here but I'm actually not. I did a lot of sins and mistakes that are unforgivable. Yet, I am confident in Christ. Following the Lord, has brought me a lot of faith, confidence and miracle in my life. There are just 2 commandments from the Lord Jesus Christ. "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and love your neighbor as you love yourself". This is the fundamnetal commandments I try to follow everyday for me to be a moral, righteous and just person every single day.

If I was limited to follow any faith I wanted to follow, I could not think I will write this stuff up here in Steemit.

Hello! Thank you again @freedomtribe for this contest. Made my mind working in all sense!

Thank you also my Steemit friends for reading! May God bless you all.


Freedom to speak up, so right about that. Since our speech is our utmost important expression :)

Absolutely it is important to be able to listen and be non-judgemental, as indeed we do all have differing opinions.

Yes, difference shouldn't be a hindrance for a good and productive communication.