Freedom Is Choice To Choose And Humanity Keeping Is Our Choice, But Never Lose Hope On Humanity

in #freedomtribe5 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone!!

So, there was a question asked by @freedomtribe “What's the one thing you have lost - or would be afraid to lose - which would limit (or has already limited) your personal Freedom?". Which made me thing that i had never thought.


Freedom is our right and it is celebrated all over the world. Freedom is act that have right to speak, do what they want with following rules and regulation. People had lost many things in their life which was really hard for them. Every person had some time where there were facing most difficult moment in their life and I have had time like that too. But tell you the truth after those loss we can move on from it which takes time. We can move on but it may be really difficult.

I am going and speak through my heart, I lost many thing in life and move on but one thing I am really afraid to lose is “My Faith In Humanity”. This may little bit odd to read in any post about this topic on this contest. But the biggest thing I afraid to is “My Faith In Humanity”. Let me explain this thing properly.


We are living in 21 century and we all human are the social animal. Do you think we really are social animal? I think no. Why? Because we used to kill animals and plants for food and for our livelihood as well as protect them from extinction. This thing are necessary for environmental balance. We human are most smart, intelligent, and who can make this world more better place for all the animals and plants. But, we human are too busy to play politics and kill each other in the name of religion and war. We are only social animal and have great responsibilities for environmental balance. Humans are killing each other in the name of religion and politics. There are hatred and war in the world and from long time we had waited for peace and love. Everyday there are human killed in many places by human. There is record that almost 1 billion people were killed in wars due to hatred. We are human and we are killing humans ourselves.


What is happening to our world. Since centuries human are killing human from World War 1 to World War 2. Humans are killing each other without no reason. Likewise there was a war between Syria and Israel though Syria had no intention of War. Syria had no power and the country was destroyed in the dust and millions of people were killed. In this War no country took stand to stop the War and not even UNO whose responsibility is to stop war and maintain peace. As the situation was worse in Syria many countries started to test their weapon in the name of killing terrorist. There was no record of terrorist being killed but million people lost their lives. Why we weren't able to do anything at the time of War. But we sure raised our voice after million people were killed and War was stop.


We all know that 51 people died in Christchurch mosque shootings and 49 people were injured. They all were innocent and they were killed because they were Muslim and there are many people thing that still thinks all the Muslims are terrorist. During this incident the shooting and killing was streaming live in Facebook but there was no response by Facebook till 51 people were killed and all the people saw it which was really disturbing to many people. It was deeply saddened moment for all the people but there were politicians who said something really miserable world at that time. 17 children were killed in Stoneman Douglas High School at Florida which was really shocking and the man behind it was 19 years old boy who was expelled. What the hell is going on in this world


There is thought that Muslims are terrorist, but everyone know that no person who kills people are follower of any religion. All the religion teaches us we all are equal and no one has no right to kill anyone in any situation. This is only fraud and killing people in the name of religion name which is a way to escape. We think that ISIS are Muslim terrorist group who kills other religion people. But no Muslim follower would do anything like this. ISIS group is just a group who is increasing hatred and war all over the world. ISIS is a group who had killed million people which were Muslim. They are the one who destroyed Muslim countries more further than they were like Afghanistan, Iran and Iraq. ISIS also took the responsibility of bomb attack in Sri-Lanka which killed 253 people and also injured almost 500 people. There are many incident that were happened and if I explain them, no words would be enough.


President Of New Zealand Wearing Hijab

This song was dedicated to people who passed away in Christchurch

As there is saying that there is good and bad in the world. The thing really had my heart to think that humanity still exist and had shocked to many politicians who only knows to say bad. My heart was shaked as New Zealand people came in huge crowd and supported the people who lost their lives and all the people came wearing Muslim tradition dresses to give proper burial to all the people who had died. President of New Zealand supported all the families whose lost their lives and also apologize to all the families for this great loss.


There was saying by Albert Einstein “I don't know what weapons will be used in the Third World War. But I can tell you what they'll use in the Fourth - rocks!” . It means that we human are greatest creation and greatest enemy of human are humans. We human may be at extinct too if again ‘World War 3’ broke out.


There was a saying by Mahatma Gandhi You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.

This all thing are really sad to hear. All over the world there is hatred inside of people against the Muslim and they are being treated really badly. I am also a Muslim and proud to be one. But sometime when I hear news like this get me frustrated and in eyes of many people we all Muslim are terrorist. I wouldn’t say that it is fault of any people to act this way. As so, the thing I am afraid to lost is “My Faith In Humanity” due to this violence but I know that there are many bas deed done by bad people but we all have humanity inside us. So we all have to fight for our freedom. It has been also limiting my freedom too as we are not treated the way we should be all over the world which feels really sad. Sometimes these make all Muslim freedom restriction or limited too. Sometime we all feel insecure when this kind of incident in the world. We all feel sacred as anything can happen anyplace and anytime. After the completion of my higher school, i wanted to study abroad but my family is really insecure about my plans which is in a way limiting my freedom. There are many people who knows the truth and wants peace. We all need peace and live our life happily.

This was my drawing for increasing awareness
30515877_2030358193956977_5559305045448589312_n (2).jpg



We all are against terrorist, which fighting against terrorist we shouldn't loose our humanity.

Still there a lot of people who just want peace and live their life happily with others. We all want peace world with no violence and this are picture that we see people raising their violence against violence. This post is for awareness and to fight against terrorist and we have to fight it with our humanity and humanity still exist and don't ever lose your trust on it. Humanity must be followed by us at first than other that we faith in. My answer is "I am afraid to lose 'My Faith In Humanity.' For this Question "“What's the one thing you have lost - or would be afraid to lose - which would limit (or has already limited) your personal Freedom?"

There is brilliant contest going on by @freedomtribe . For this contest knowledge is Click Here . Thank you @freedomtribe for this amazing opportunity. This contest for 50 steem, so go and grab this opportunity.


Thanks for reading my post.
Hope you liked reading it.
Be happy and enjoy life.


Oh gosh. Yes. This is something I ask all them time. I REFUSE to lose faith in humanity, but it's so hard when you see such terrible things. Focusing on goodness, and hoping love prevails. Xx A wonderful entry.

Posted using Partiko Android

I feel so relief with this comment. Yeah, we have been refusing to lose faith in humanity because it is a only thing that makes us human. Thank you for your beautiful comment.

Hello Brother - that is really great post with some research, deep thinking and critique. Yes, absolutely, we can’t lose faith in humanity - we have more in common that unite us than divide us. 👋🏼. We are countrymen 😊. Followed you. Would like to discuss an idea re:Nepal and support you in small way. Have you got discord?

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thank you!! Every time i see news like this it is really sad moment and we have to raise our voice against it for humanity sake. Yes, we all are same but have different faith. I would love to have discussion with you. Yes, i have discord and it's name arbaaz#0012 and already had messaged you!!

101 push-ups?

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Didn't get you!!

Tey to read.

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