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RE: Things we don't talk about but should: #2 Abortion

This is a beautifully written piece about a very tricky subject. I agree with a lot of the things you've said. I also appreciate you wanting people to engage in discussion, to feel comfortable speaking without being afraid that someone will judge and shun them for their opinions.

I'm pro choice, myself, for a whole slew of reasons. I don't mind the pro-life argument, and respect where people are coming on that side, but if the child is born, I want to see the pro-lifers just as passionate about that child's future. Okay, they're in the world, now what? If a family/mother isn't set up to support them, or even herself, where's the aid? Can the village step in and help raise the child? In a lot of cases, that doesn't happen. I could keep going on about reasons to respect a woman's right to choose, but you've made so many good points here, I'll let them stand.

I'm looking forward to your thoughts on women's rights! Steem on. :)


Thanks for adding your thoughts on the issue. I agree, the long-term well-being of unwanted children should be paramount as not all are being adopted by loving new parents. There is also a lot of judgement on teenage and unplanned pregnancies (often by the same people who oppose abortion) which contributes to women seeing no other way. If there were a loving, caring village prepared to step in, maybe more women would decide to continue a pregnancy.

The emotional toll on the mother is also often used as an argument against abortion while in truth, the impact of either having to raise a child when not ready, or being forced to carry one to term and then give them up for adoption can be much greater than that. Women are made to feel guilty when, without the moral preaching, most would only feel relief.

Women should be in control and able to decide if or when they can and want to raise a child. This will also reduce neglect and abuse and increase the proportion of happy and loved children in the world.

Yes. So much this.

I think an abortion can be a traumatic thing, for many, but to carry a child, to become a mother and go through the loss of self that comes with it when a woman is not ready or still a child themselves, or barely surviving on their own, or whatever reason... Enough with the guilt. Each of us must make the best choices for ourselves that we can in life.

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