Freedom Friday- Natural medicine, the medicine that my family has more confidence.


A wonderful greeting to @eaglespirit on the initiative of FreedomFriday, which allows us to talk about our stories of freedom and be the voice of those who struggle to obtain theirs. Freedom affects all aspects of our lives and every week we choose a topic to write about. This week's theme was chosen by @bifilarcoil and is Freedom Of Natural Medicine.
@naturalmedicine are throwing in 5 shares of steem basic income to the best posts.


Since I have reason to use my family and I have been in contact with medicinal plants; When any disease that was presented to us, we had as a first alternative to prepare home remedies before going to the doctor. As I grew up with the help of the knowledge of my grandmother, who was the curator of the town where my mother was born, I had the facility of being in contact with the medicinal herb since the remedies were prepared by my grandmother, and little by little he learned from his properties and that they served some of the plants. Then when I started studying at university, one of my hobbies was reading books on medicinal plants to instruct me more, obtaining knowledge to check their efficiency.


For a while, collect information about some of the plant uses and sometimes was surprised that its efficiency was superior to those of pharmaceutical drugs.
We have to be very careful because not all plants are harmless, and be careful with their preparation for medicinal use and the dosage used in it.
We should feel responsible for our health and it is better to be safe than sorry. Natural medicine has an enormous preventive value and we should use it habitually turning it into a part of our daily diet not thinking that it is a medicine but turning it into a faithful guardian of our health since it will help us with the prevention of diseases.


Some of the most used plants in our area, we could name:
NAIL OF ODOR: serves for the toothache with it is done a cooking and is applied locally.
LA SABILA OR ALOE VERA: it is used for any type of burn, the aloe vera is applied to the burn, it also serves for hemorrhoids.
GARLIC: external application for insect bites.
EUCALICT For measles, chicken pox and blond. It is applied by putting the leaf in cooking and warm baths are made.


Many natural preparations that are used in natural medicine, contains the same active ingredients of pharmaceutical drugs. The difference is that these drugs are prepared using traditional techniques such as cooking the infusion or maceration of the medicinal plant with other natural elements and that these products have no side effects unless the person is allergic to any of them.


Natural medicine not only helps us to have better health but we will also be helping to cause less damage to the planet and also helps us save money than would be in favor of our family and personal economy.!




This is a beautiful post. Colorful, loving, and I felt your kindness through your writing. I like that you gave examples of natural medicine and cautionary message to be careful as not all NMs are safe. Thank you for your contribution to FF and the freedom of natural medicine

Thank you for your support and count on my small grain of sand to help natural medicine be applied as it should be.

As I grew up with the help of the knowledge of my grandmother, who was the curator of the town where my mother was born, I had the facility of being in contact with the medicinal herb since the remedies were prepared by my grandmother, and little by little he learned from his properties and that they served some of the plants.

Isn't it amazing how many of our grandmothers knew how herbs could help us and had remedies to do so. I wonder if we will be those kinds of grandmothers too.

Of all his granddaughters, I liked to follow his tradition, and I have instilled them in my children.

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