
Indeed. Hey, our discord window is off. Can't reach you. There is a proposal i want you to read, it reminds me of Tesla. But this one is from the pharma.

Your message could not be delivered because you don't share a server with the recipient or you disabled direct messages on your shared server, recipient is only accepting direct messages from friends, or you were blocked by the recipient.

will need to get back in one of the servers again

Oh i saw that one lols..
That post remind me of Tesla in a way that it will be funded by the federal government. The project where the student alchemage is being funded by them. What he wants to do have a huge potential in helping the people too.

the soap industry is full of bad chemicals. I'm not sure we can really fix this.

When oil runs out then it may be solved as all of those chemicals are petrochemical. But then we have another problem...

He will be using herbs which are available everywhere and from farms too.
There is a chance methink. If it will be accessible and not be dampened which i can see it happening.

@Immarojas You should have a look at Konstantin Meyl's work.

The hydrogen bonds. p-cymene looks like the best candidate to play with in that regard as the benzene ring on that structure is a perfect antenna (it even relates to Buckminster Fuller's domes ;-) ) What it that gives bamboo fibers anti microbal propperties? I only glanced the article , in what does it remind you of Tesla?

Previous reply re: tesla
Otherwise..i just went to Mars!

space invader!

Well i got no clue bout those you mentioned🤣😂😆
Here's the door, members are sleeping.

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