
Completely catch my attention in your lines. Yes, perfection could be a great master and a really bad boss at the same time, there has to come the common sense to put things in order, or people will stress themselves until craziness.

Really, really, you have to try meditation, It will help you to relief yourself and view things and life from a totally different point. You will feel happiness and serenity as you've never done before. It's almost magical.

And yes, if you need help, accept it and get it.

Have an excellent and blessed day ;)

You assume that I don't meditate. Actually, I do. Seeing meditation as a magic happiness pill is common and a popular view, but not one I share. Perhaps it is simply plugging into that eternal vibration regularly that has created the opening for this new learning. It matters not. One grows and learns and evolves and all is well.

Thanks for stopping by. :)

You're right about it, I assumed you didn't! sorry.

For me it's like a great feeling , calm, I don't know how to describe it, but since I began meditate it has help me to feel happier and confident with what the future has for me. That's why I recommemded to everybody.

Have a nice and blessed week ;)

Freedom is another word for nothing left to loose.

Wow that is powerfull...fearless, fierceless, bold.. true perfection...give me a little bit of that pleeeeease

haha.... it's a good place to be. From the void comes all creativity. I'd LIKE to give it to you, but we all gotta get down and go to that dark empty space alone. Enjoy steemfest - pics and links and learnings PLEASE!!!

I concur, no thing really to give. All is already within, just look.. and be.

This post was such a delight to read M. After all the time I've known you, it's so nice to hear you deliberately releasing some baggage. I'm in the process too, letting go, letting go.. that which no longer serves can go..

Not forgetting the value and example you, I, we all offer to others as we share. Honestly expressing oneself.. now that's art @artemislives and you're very talented with words. Always heartfelt reading and learning with your posts. 💗

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