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RE: This is why I don't agree to any terms and agreements ever.

in #freedomfirst6 years ago (edited)

IMO, clicking "I agree" does not hold you liable for the contents of the contract because there is no realistic expectation that anyone reads or furthermore understands the contents of what they are agreeing to

I doubt a court of law would agree with you, but you are free to do as you wish.

Your suggestion is quite impractical. Do you not think that those other sites have similar TOS?

Then you can download + compile the blockchain code and access the API's directly via the command line.


Hi, would it be possible for you to point out a post or website that explains this step by step. I had asked on another post how one was to access their wallet if pulls the plug on the site, and the answer was through the command line.

I am guessing many here like myself do not understand any of that, and it makes me a little concerned that the little I am investing/accruing would be lost to me forever if the site ever went down or those running the show here decided for whatever reason they wanted to ban my account. It isn't feasible for many of us to incur the fees that would be involved traveling to NY for some arbitration when the costs would be greater than the amount of Steem held by us. And given my hopes would be to sometime this year hold a stake greater than allowed in small claims court that would be the only avenue available if something shady went down.

Any help you could give would be greatly appreciated.

The command line is probably the hardest option, but the instructions for it are here:

The APIs are explained here:

The also has a lot of other tools available for accessing the API.

If you lost access to though, your first option probably wouldn't be to go directly to an API. It would be a lot easier to find an alternative site/tool that you could use instead, like Vessel, SteemConnect, or (just to list a few).

Hey, I think you are looking for the program Vessel. It is a Steem desktop wallet, created by @jesta and works great. Find the current version on Github.

Hey, thanks for the reply. I would never use a desktop wallet though to be honest, and in this case would be impossible I think since I power up every bit of Steem I get.

While the Terms and Agreements are annoying and they state these cookie cutter arbitration clauses there is nothing really to worry about.

You might be thinking about how wallets work all wrong. Think of them more as a piece of software that holds your private keys and your coins are always out on the blockchain. You never really have your coins on your computer. I know that seems weird but you coins aren't housed by You can access and control your coins through or the eSteem app or several others ways so even if went rogue and started kicking people off the site you would still be able to access your funds. is just trying to cover their ass if someone jumps on here and uploads secret military documents to this blockchain or something. They don't want to be responsible for it.....etc.

Yeah, I got that about the desktop only holding the keys, but had read it made it more susceptible to hacking. My confusion comes in due to the Steem Power scenario. I know so little about it, things like is it always equal to Steem and does it exist off of the Steemit platform where one could still power it down without using as an intermediary?

Small world, I see you are in Tucson as well. I have a little over a week left here before I move away again. Chances are if you go to the TVSM on Friday nights we have seen one another. I have sold on and off there since the 90's.

Yes it kind of sucks the life out of your steem morale doesnt it.

I look at my SP differently now.

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