
My primary objection is that the meat and potatoes of the agreement gets buried inside legal jargon that the average person is not expected to read nor understand.

Next time you are out somewhere and someone hands you this type of document, read it and inquire with the person presenting it to you about anything you don't FULLY understand. If the person asking for your consent does not even comprehend the contract themselves, then how could they be witness to you signing how a contract that they administer? Does that sound like an enforceable contract? There are necessary component to an ENFORCEABLE contract and, to me, TOS do not pass the smell test.

Make sense?

Yes , the comprehension of these esoteric legal documents is quite poor. There should be an easier to understand version of the same , similar to what comes along with medications.

It is still quite enforceable though , as things stand today.

BTW , My question was for the original poster @lanmower.

Dafak bro, what's wrong with this gif and ur avatar.

I find making any agreements with STINC disagreeable, always and ever.

Who disagrees with me!

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