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RE: Freedom Challenge 3: My entry

in #freedomchallenge6 years ago

@phedizzle, this is such a wonderful post. Your beautiful sense of grounded humanity shines through it, and honestly reading it moved me almost to tears except I am in public haha. It just resonated with me very much, and you put words to things that I have not been expressing, myself. THis makes me want to try the contest , not for the contest's sake but for the process it would put me through in order to explain. I have a huge load of work to do this week so I may not get to this contest but I love this topic and whoever thought of it is giving a gift to the community. Thank you for all the time and effort you put into expressing this. I LOVE the part about learning. I never thought about how learning makes me feel freedom, but it really does. I love exploring topics in great depth, it is one of my favorite things to do. I wish i could be more eloquent right now but I am in a slight rush... Glad I checked Gina and caught this post. <3 Its a great start for my day trying to start my business over here in my town... xo


@dflo I'm so glad this post touched you. I know it's stressful getting your business going and everything else going on, but it will off pay for you. Just remember to find you time even if seems there isn't any. A life lesson I learned the hard way. Remember to take care of you too! Ps, gurl you wrote a great comment! Thank you I appreciate it very much. Hugs

You are so right ... It's hard to descipher the time for me because everything I am doing right now is for me! I will slow down again after today. I have an event tonight and have been creating marketing materials etc. Another event next week. All of it is good and for me but yeah I need to also slow the heck down and just lounge too!! Thanks!

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