The Failure of the American Legal System to Provide Justice: and how Bitcoin and other Crypto’s can fix it

in #freedom6 years ago

It’s not hard to see that politicians don’t care about real justice. Just about everything that goes wrong in human life becomes an excuse for their control. They have no incentive to really make things better for the average person because if they did, one might start to wonder why we even need these people to assert control. We might start thinking that we no longer need as many police because crime has all but disappeared. What is fundamentally missing from the justice system is the idea of restitution and making victims “whole” as @adamkokesh puts it in his book “Freedom”.

For much of my life I didn’t have to worry too much about crime, but there was one period when I was poor and disadvantaged as a teen due to divorce and living under a single parent. I was living in the inner city of Syracuse with a high murder and drug trafficking rate back in the mid - late 1970’s. Never once were police around to stop anything from getting out of control. Everyone knew that the police were scared of getting whacked by violent gangs in the area.

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I once had my bicycle stolen and it was then that I first realized how useless these uniforms were. They had no interest in solving crime. I was just a statistic that they fed into their system. They were consulted after the fact (if one was foolish enough to expose ones self to the scrutiny) and they’d fill out a police report. I later learned never to trust police because they are legally allowed to lie to you in order to beef up their quota’s. Their encounter usually only helps the state and not victims.

The legal system proliferates the list of crimes as a legal fiction that typically puts up the “state” as the victim of a crime. The reality is that many crimes are victimless crimes now. Seat belt laws, speeding, and many other statutes typically have no living victim who has been harmed; but it is seen as a means for the state to extract equity from a violator. Through working on the prejudices and fears of the people, they have expanded their lists of laws to include such things as civil asset forfeiture which has increasingly become a source for conflict of interest.

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At some point, politicians figured out that it was more profitable to manipulate crime than to solve it. Some of it can be labeled as “terrorism” which can be seen as a rallying cry for the community to come together under a single agenda. I saw this on 911. George Bush 43 was in hot water being investigated by the FBI in the summer of 2001, then suddenly the twin towers fell and that investigation was never heard from again. Suddenly nobody was allowed to question the wisdom of G.W. Bush.

The same seems to be the case in the medical field. They figured out that treating disease was far more profitable than curing disease. Why do all that work on R&D only to tell a patient that if they just take this one pill, that they will be cured? It would be a hard sell. But if you tell them that in order to cure their cancer they have to undergo chemotherapy sessions every week for a couple of months, then the patient is expecting a large bill because of all the visible work they did.

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At the root of all of these situations is the fundamental problem of parasitism. We have made the mistaken assumption that we can not do better while “trying”, and those who are in powerful positions work to keep that illusion going because that is the main basis of their power. By definition, a parasite is an organism that attaches itself to a host and drains that life force from the host without providing anything of value in return. A skillful parasite will know when not to push too hard, but a government parasite lacks the ability for moderation which is why they typically fall from power periodically by threatening the livelihood of the host population.

The Largest Bank Heist in all Human History

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Most people have no idea just how successful the industrial revolution of the last two centuries was. Some people saw benefits, but not anywhere near in accordance to the amount of profit that was actually generated. You typically sold yourself into slavery for minimal compensation, and your bosses raked in a thousand fold profit from each individual who worked in the factories. These profits over the last couple of centuries have amounted to hundreds of trillions of dollars; but your government has graciously let the public survive on about 3 trillion. This was accomplished by the Federal Reserve’s use of “quantitative easing” which is essentially legalized counterfeiting.

The reason you don't know this is because there’s no way for you to trace it. Most people only know about their small world of day to day survival and never see the books. Well, those books are about to go public with blockchain ledger technology. In the future we are likely to get a very public accounting of businesses and their revenue deals and their internal logistics. Eventually politicians will be accounted for on the blockchain as well. We will know what they knew and when they knew it.

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The paradigm of unlimited money is what caused this massive wave of corruption to the tune of hundreds of trillions of dollars. It was through national fiat that they were able to pull this off. But that day is coming to an end. Many cryptocurrencies have fixed upper limits and the vast majority are not controlled by governments. This means that if a government such as the USA wants to use bitcoin, they will have to work within the limits of a fixed budget for the first time in more than a century.

This new technology has within it the means capable of killing off the scourge of parasitism that has crept into every level of finance and politics. It is going by the names of “decentralization” and “technical disintermediation”. Mark those terms well, because wherever these terms are used honestly, you shall know what it is that is setting you free.

The opportunity that bitcoin and other crypto's create is that of an exit from the system. Governments work very hard to erect borders because in that way you are not allowed to take the exit. However, bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are borderless and censorship resistant.

Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies fit very well within the voluntarist philosophy of non violence and non coercion. Good ideas don't need the use of force as many will willingly accept an idea if it is good. The fact that so many ideas need the use of force is an indication that the idea is using overreach in its scope. It is another symptom of parasitism because parasites cannot operate well when scope is limited.

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