The thorn in their side...

in #freedom6 years ago

Something a little extra ...

So in a past life I did a touch of graphic design I didn't keep it up for long, but still have a passion for it as a hobby. Recently I have noticed people using Teespring and thought I would jump on the band wagon. Now I have a lot of images and ideas for designs but only one suitable on my computer; so I have put this one on to test the water.


A little about this design:

Fairly self explanatory again this one. As you can tell I was a touch annoyed when doing this, but the whole movement is represented here. The corrupt governments are noticing the thorns and as the momentum builds these thorns will combine in intensity bringing it to its knees. It also for me represents the revolution from within. The revolution in my opinion needs to come from individual actions, not a violent take over as that will never work as history has shown. Instead we much change our ways and become a thorn ourselves by doing this and sharing it with others; will grow and change the paradigm, just like the hundredth monkey theory.

Going Forward

My plan is to get a few designs going after working out how it all work with this design. Annoyingly they don't give payouts in Crypto, so I am forced to open a PayPal account but this will have to be. I'm hoping soon they will start using Crypto but hey looks good in the meantime.

So I can get my artistic flair going again and save so valuable monies for the grand plan I have spoken about in previous posts. Please keep an eye out for any design you like and hopefully in the not too distant future you might find one you enjoy enough to buy; who knows.

Here's my first one !

@vibeof100monkeys banner.jpg


Hmmm I'm going to check that Teespring, it looks interesting! Thanks for sharing.

You're on your way to making that grand plan happen!

Yer it's happening alright. Just need the initial income. Was going to run a conference but its hard to do on my own and my colleague just keeps letting me down so putting that on hold until I have the facility to do it on my own! 💯🐒

I can't wait to read about it, good luck!

Might be a while yet haha but its in motion 💯

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