The red barbarism against a small "little town" called TOVARsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)


An eyewitness account from Venezuela about how government goons are killing innocent civilians. (transcribed from an anonymous account to spread the evidence of Venezuela's government's crimes against its people to the world)
Early in the morning I began to receive messages and calls, reminding me to "activate" and protest against the National Constituent Assembly, which will destroy what little freedom remains and submit to a Cuban style government.

I left for the meeting site agreed with neighbors near and far.
Some were a block higher up warning us if they came to repress us from the highlands, while others were reporting if they came up from the hospital.

Like always, I saw faces whose names I do not know, but I also saw smiles of hope that have greeted me these past weeks. Women, men and especially boys who look younger than twenty.
Street dreamers whose only weapon to confront the red guard is the determination to be free and stones.
Stones that for centuries have been rounded and polished by rivers and winds of this earth.
An earth which today is stained red with the blood of humble people, by the hand of the so-called Chavista-Madurista "revolution".

After being gathered about 10 minutes, peacefully, we heard the alarm: They are coming from above!.

The red henchmen in uniform on many motorcycles, a red van, a white van, both with black windows. We noticed that they sent them not to repress but to kill. As soon as they saw the congregation they began firing rifles, automatic pistols and tear gas.

I sheltered in a corner, near a fast food stall, to film and document the daily barbarity that violates our human rights, with an impunity of knowing that they have the approval of their masters in the narco-government.

But they were closer than I thought! Then a lady shouted to me, "RUN TEACHER!" And in a few seconds I took shelter in her house, next to a young man and a boy who did not give up trying to look out the window.

God bless this family, as long as they live they will be my family, their faces for me will always be those of the angels that keep us from lying on the road.

We stood for eternal minutes in total muteness with that beautiful family, cushioned behind a sofa placed vertically to protect us from the shooting that was going on outside.

Despite feeling the electrified skin I peered through a window space and then I could see them: between 5 and 6 in uniforms with camouflage suits that fired 9 mm pistols without stopping, and what looked like long range rifles, whose bullets could penetrate a bulletproof vest. Later we would collect long and short casings, all from lethal rounds, used by those uniformed goons against unarmed people protesting in their neighbourhood.

I was trying to film but one of the goons pointed in the direction of the windows and I was afraid that if I was seen or moved the curtain, they would shoot. The detonations were deafening, a scene of civil war, which reminded me of what I had seen in Cairo, Egypt, during the massacre that the government did in Tahrir Square in 2013 from helicopters and with ground support.

This time in the urbanization of Los Educadores in the El Llano sector, Tovar - Mérida State, I once again witnessed one of those scenes in which you realize that degraded souls become worse than predatory animals.

From where I was I could not see where their bursts were going, but I knew it was towards my neighbours, those faces of unknown name. Then I saw one of the uniformed men carrying his pistol in his hand, he was going to finish off a boy who had been shot in the leg and was on the floor. Suddenly the uniformed man collapsed, I do not know whether he was killed in the act or wounded, but that stopped him from giving the 'coup de grace' shot.

I'm not sure but apparently one of his own comrades-in-arms was the one who shot him. In any case, it saved the life of a helpless and wounded boy on the floor.

The goons began to look at the houses and a "cooperating patriot" (snitch) told them where we were hiding.
Inside the tiny house in which we had been sheltered we held our breath, so as not to be seen or heard...
After those eternal minutes the uniformed men left, then we left; as if we had been in a cave for days. Blessed cave, blessed souls, blessed family.

We collected the casings (as proof) and we found the casualties, at least 9 wounded.
It was one of my former students, a young man whose face had smiled and called me "professor". I told the the volunteers where to take him.
But ... a few minutes later we learned, the serious-faced young man who knew how to smile, had died.

The bullets of the goons sent by the red narco-government cut another life from the Merideño garden. When I learned this news, I was on the way along with another neighbour to the penal forum (a group of volunteer lawyers who collect evidence of crimes against the people by the government) to deliver the evidence of the shooting with weapons of war against unarmed civilians.

Once the evidence delivered ... we could not go on without crying to Luis Miguel as we remembered the more than a hundred who like him have been killed for having dared to dream of having a youth at liberty for them and a free nation for all.

We had to dry our tears quickly.
We went to support the wounded. It was necessary to change clothes because there were snitches for the goons, who would tell on us for helping the wounded.

We went to a church, there, in front of images made by hand, was a small army of other heroes, provided water, first aid and stabilization for the wounded.

God bless these volunteers. Bringing the wounded to a hospital would be like sending them to a military prison. Because the goons take them out even from the operating rooms and imprison them.

For that reason, doctors, nurses and helpers were not attending the injured young man with the leg wound in a hospital. This young man, whose job is to sell a "hot coffee" through the streets of Tovar, was not a criminal or a terrorist but an ordinary citizen gathered peacefully with his neighbours..

We learned that another plane had arrived at the airport with more henchmen to repress "two insignificant little towns" according to CNE (the state media).

It was decided to evacuate medicine (which is very scarce) and wounded to a better shelter and that nobody, not even me, knew where they are for safety of lives and supplies.

It must be known all over the world that narco-government henchmen even beat and robbed two NGO volunteers from the blue cross when they checked for injuries in the streets ... the "glorious" and valiant FANB (Fuerzas Armadas Nacionales Bolivarianas.

One of them (volunteer of the blue cross) had told me hours before they also attend the goons if necessary, because they were "human lives."
We are on guard, we have been told that come with orders to raid and kill.
As I finish these lines I hear an unusual buzz in these parts: a helicopter. Difficult to know how many lives could have been saved if this type of transport was used to take so many patients from the modest hospital of Tovar to the city of Mérida. No doubt the helicopter is now used by the state for more dark purposes than save the lives of its citizens.

Meanwhile, people on the ground dare to dream and resist, knowing that it is the last line of defense of freedom and the possibility of rescuing honor and decency in our country.

While some watch the news on TV, others live in Narnia or their own vanity and fantasy, and others are paralyzed by fear.
Meanwhile here, in this small village, a group of young people demonstrated a lesson that will be remembered with pride and respect for this generation and that of their children and grandchildren.
I am honored by the appreciation and friendship of these true warriors.

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This book will help you prepare a defense, sorry I don't have it in Spanish.

This book shows you what has to be done to make sure the new boss is not the same as the old boss.
That link has many titles in many languages.

thank you very much
I will check it

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