
It is really difficult to fully realize that you are not innocent, but that you are guilty of numerous felonies, and are just waiting for the po-po to get to your turn.

If you ever have a run in with the "justice" system, you will lose all respect. Unfortunately, by then, it is usually too late.

Brilliant post. It deserves to be a speech for the true patriot movement. I hope enough people understand what is really going on - before the real world comes crashing down with its full weight on the fragile barrier of the bubble they shelter behind.

I reckon if people have a more profitable course, they will take it.

I intend for more profitable endeavors to be at least available for them as retain nominal reason. Interesting events have occurred recently, and I view them in light of my stated intentions. Despite the existential urgency of the moment, I know that transitions are best undertaken in such an environment.

I think we're closer to being truly free than we have been in millenia.


This confirms for me once and for all you have the same opinion of the people running the planet that I do. Peace and victory.

Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance: Thought Police
Our Purpose

Your post inspired me to share this video.

It was a good idea to link the lyrics, because Goolag apparently doesn't want that video here. It's not available when I click it.


That's peculiar that it won't let you watch it, that
video is from the artist's official YouTube channel.

Goolag has figgered out that I am not it's friend. It is my enemy, and I know it, so it's agin' me.

That's my theory anyway. Can you view the vid linked here? Just curious...

Just tried again (third try) and it's still not available to me.

Yep, are you able to view it at the YouTube link?


That's from the link you just posted.

I seen something similar to this just today. I was trying to watch @littlescribe's interview with @mistermercury.

What I think happened in her case is that YouTube put it in a private mode because it didn't like the metadata (or tags) that she selected.

Yet in this case, I'm definitely able to view the video so it can't be locked for everyone?

You might be onto something I wouldn't put it past them to be testing out some kind of selective persecution via algorithms targeted at specific users.

If they haven't tried it yet they will in the future, they've definitely started to be evil.

Or maybe in this case it's regionally locked? It's very creepy what they can do with technology nowadays.

Excellent Post!

"If they can silence us and create the impression online that opposition to corruption and the details of that insidious criminal activity just don't exist, they will create a bubble of unreality that will prevent many more people from realizing that they are being misled to their great and lasting harm."

This could not be more accurate! Thank goodness for @informationwar for connecting independent thinkers and providing the forum for us to share opinions and debate civilly! I am now a follower and look forward to reading more from you!

listen censorship is a far bigger problem from the liberals then it is from Trump....

What's the difference? I assure you a beating is a beating. You won't care what political party your assailant belongs to.

Edit: Trump's pick for CIA:

"Haspel conveniently went out of her way to eliminate any evidence of her war crimes by destroying 92 video tapes."

"Haspel supervised a U.S.‘black site’ in Thailand in 2002 where Abu Zubeidah and Abdul Rahm Nashirir were tortured incessantly by CIA personnel."

"Some facts from Senate Intel Committee:"

"26 of the 119 prisoner [22%] held by the CIA were subsequently found to have been ‘improperly detained’."
"In 2008 John Bruce Jessen and James Mitchell, two severely incompetent contractors charged over $81M for their services to develop torture techniques despite the fact they knew nothing about interrogation."
"John Rizzo, the CIA acting general counsel found these two men to be completely ‘sadistic’ and ‘terrifying’."
"the entire useless torture program which produced no actionable intelligence cost the American taxpayer over $300M."
"several prisoners almost drowned to death due to “waterboarding” which resulted in no valuable intelligence."
"CIA officials, Scott Miller and James Pavitt, were warned that their ‘sadistic rectal exams’ were ‘excessive’."
"Four prisoners had been beaten so hard that they were not able to stand because of their broken feet, sprained ankles, and amputated legs."
"Abu Zubaydah’s eyes were so badly damaged during his beatings that he had to have his eye removed."

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. Except worse.

Don't let them take you alive.

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