
Almost everything at a govern-cement school is more important than teaching.

The bell is more important
and now, the cameras are more important.

What i hate most of all is that these cameras will only be used to hurt. We could use the cameras to see who actually started the fight, and punish the bullies. But no, we will just punish both kids. The victim will be punished for being there.

My recollection is that the bullies, usually the jocks, got off, but the victims got punished.

Punishing both kids will be a step in the right direction!

But no, we will just punish both kids. The victim will be punished for being there.

I've seen this happening countless occasions. These authoritative barbarians haven't heard of self- defense.

Public schools are basically child abuse. They are largely responsible for
the elimination of critical thinking in their outcome based education model.
Children popped out of the womb naturally intelligent and pursued the
inquiry based model from the very get go. It all get's drummed out of us at
the schools, but even worse probably starting with the parents who were
already damaged by the schools. Parent's should be endlessly patient with
their children. They should also protect them from the perils of a public
education, but life happens. Situation and circumstance gets in the way of
the desired path and the cycle continues to destroy minds on a daily basis.

That's pretty much the whole of it. And, that's why I homeschooled. I highly recommend it. It doesn't take genius to let kids learn stuff. Hell, little excites kids more than learning stuff--until the schools make it a lesson in misery.


Very impressive that you home schooled!
It may not be easy, but it will sure as hell
end up being worth it in the long run!

How long before one of these systems is hacked by a terrorist who wants to find his way into the school? (Or most likely a disgruntled student.) All the data we collect = more potential for misuse.

You know, when that happens (not if) they won't take the cameras down, either. They'll crack down all the harder on those kids that got really fascinated by technology and learned to hack it.

Gotta crush 'em all!

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I am completely opposed to the current socialist school systems we have in AmeriKa. It is unameric0n to force me to pay for my neighbors kids, lunch , transportation, and non-education.
A better system would be that parents that do not want to teach their children, should/could donate those children to the State to turn them into Corporate slaves. Every time I see a brand new/never old school bus full of kids I have to stop (its the law) for reminds me of this. The harsh reality is that I am paying for my neighbors children to learn to be slaves.

Then the next time I am reminded of this is when I get my tax statement of which 90 percent of goes to this non system that is completely dysfunctional. I am completely astonished that I found the teachers protesting their wages and boycotting the schools this year WOW as if throwing money at them has solved any problems.
There are many problems with the current system. None of which money or surveillance will solve.
1 it is completely unconstitutional and unamerican.
2 it does not teach children to be thoughtful business owners
3 it makes parents irresponsible
4 it allows the state to require ownership of children
5.............. I can go on and on but the problems with this system will only be solved when it is completely removed and parents are required and responsible for their own kids not the neighbor who has no kids who are in the the state brainwashing institutions called school.

Last I heard homeschooling was increasing 66% YOY in the USA. I remember the Principal of the elementary school locally explaining why he wanted my kids in the school. The school district received almost $10k a year for each enrolled student from the Federales.

I cost the local school district over $100k by homeschooling.

Theoretically, I saved local property taxpayers that $100k too. My kids also got a lot better education.

Feels good man!

When I was a boy the school nurse would come to my house to get me. My dad was in the military and they paid schools more than the state for us to be there. Its a money pit daycare system.

Did you follow the state protocols for home school in Oregon? If not how did you avoid it? It might be helpful to let others know how you accomplished that feat. It seems pretty draconian to be required to follow their curriculum if your are not in their system? Some states require that you allow them to send a tester to test your children on their curriculum. We have been looking for the best state for that reason and it sucks how some freedoms are available and others are not.
Good to see you posting again.
I have been busy flagging spammers and plagiarizers accepted the position of admin @steemflagrewards. Funny how this place has such a profound impact on you and changes many perspectives over time. I guess I am a good example of that.

I had to write a letter to declare I was homeschooling, and every other year the kids had to take a test. We could choose the tester and didn't have any trouble from that angle. Since I had basic math covered by teaching them fractions with a tape measure (thanks Imperial number system!) and kids have voracious appetites for learning, and I made them write me reports, which I discussed with them thoroughly, they had no lack of ability to pass tests.

They, like most homeschooled kids, were at the top of the class of their peers. Georgetown University began seriously recruiting my eldest particularly, which I am now glad he resisted firmly.

Gratz on your finding a niche where you can have an impact that matters to you.

When I was a boy the school nurse would come to my house to get me. My dad was in the military and they paid schools more than the state for us to be there. Its a money pit daycare system.

Did you follow the state protocols for home school in Oregon? If not how did you avoid it? It might be helpful to let others know how yo accomplished that feat. It seems pretty draconian to be required to follow their curriculum if your are not in their system? Some states require that you allow them to send a tester to test your children on their curriculum. We have been looking for the best state for that reason and it sucks how some freedoms are available and others are not.
Good to see yo posting again.
I have been busy flagging spammers and plagiarizers accepted the position of admin @steemflagrewards. Funny how this place has such a profound impact on you and changes many perspectives over time. I guess I am a good example of that.

Another reason for me to be proud about being a dropout.

It is an alarming epiphany when you realize you need to escape school so that you can learn things that are actually necessary and useful. You seem to have done so.


Thanks! I was easily one of the best performing students in the class. Along with time I figured out that there is no real prosperity and most importantly, real freedom in the life as an academic genius. Most of my peers are working grunt jobs or wasting their life in college and they barely have tie for anything while I'm chilling practically 24/7

I work when I want to and I learn when I want to. I don't earn much at all. But my friends don't earn much either.

Freedom is paramount.

I have worked at some pretty technical jobs, such as computer consultant, marine biologist, and the like despite (probably because of) having no college degree. As an autodidact you can choose to learn about those things that interest you most, making learning a joy, rather than the grind your peers are facing.

Make the most of it.

It's really true. I can see myself continue t do the stuff I'm doing even without much rewards as long as my basic needs are met. There is a real sense of freedom and identity in being freelance and being self-educated.

This is insanity. That means that the children's faces will be on file for the rest of their lives. If they do something wrong years down the road, such as littering or running a stop sign, they could be found and arrested when entering a Walmart. I know this sounds like a stretch but its really not. I was arrested for dui while I was shopping. They called me to the front where police were waiting. I had no idea what was going on. They gave me a sobriety test and arrested me. They had me on camera pulling in the parking lot. It happens and this is adding to the problem. I know I shouldn't have been drinking and driving but that's another subject entirely.

Last month I posted that we are all criminals under the utterly incomprehensible massive list of laws that are being produced, and the only thing that prevents our being kidnapped and enslaved in captivity is the lack of infrastructure and political will to use it.

Perhaps the most objectionable tyranny is arbitrary subjection to arrest and imprisonment, and it is the de facto state we all now live with. It is literally impossible to have even much of an inkling of what the actual laws are that we are subject to according to the state, and we are therefore subject to enslavement at the whim of government.

Exactly. I was arrested once for a supposed assault that I did not commit. They knew I didn't commit it. The supposed victim admited he lied to police and there were 3 witnesses present. One was his own mother. After they realized that I was innocent, they asked me to plea bargain to disorderly conduct. I refused. The case is still going on and I now have a court appointed attorney. It still doesn't stop the fact that I have to throw money at the court for filing fees and other things. If you read the actual law for disorderly conduct, it covers everything that isn't covered by other laws.

As bad as that particular abuse of police power is, and harm that is probably unimaginable for most people that haven't experienced it, what is coming is going to be much worse. It is a fact that there are no people that aren't actual criminals under extant law, and the continuing increase in the laws being written is only going to make that worse.

As panoptic surveillance enables police to actually identify and charge EVERYONE under the actual laws they have violated, law enforcement will become completely arbitrary--the mark of absolute despotism.

Free society cannot survive that actual power being effected. Freedom depends on that power being nullified, and I believe that will be done. I'm actually working on mechanisms that will make that happen, because I will die free, even if I die in prison.

It occurred to me that if parents treated their kids the same way the schools do, CPS would take them away, out of the abusive situation.

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