Women in Masculine Environments - Female Gang Operatives

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)

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Females in Masculine Environment! – Female Gang Operatives

I have not thought about this before because I am deeply convinced that when females enter a male only environment that honor quickly jumps out of the window.

Just look at the gym, a woman enters the weight lifting room and everyone who usually talks shit suddenly behaves like a good mommies boy.

Gyms are not the only place where this happens, it happens every fucking where. Because of that, I haven't thought about it before.

But I am the leader of the gang so I thought that allowing females into the gang would uncover doormats that become all dumb and fake when women are around.

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With other words, women can become shit/fake detectors and help me uncover guys that would get us into trouble because they are thinking with their dicks.


How can Women in Gangs be Helpful

It is in women's nature to care and support. Besides that, it would broaden the range of people that we want to have in the gang.

So what would women be good for in the gang? Cooking, medical assistance, supporting members to always do better and to prevent them from becoming weak.

I am sure there are other useful tasks for female gang operatives but I can not think of anything else at the moment. Maybe you know some more?

This is what their job would be in the gang, but I am not just inviting any females, they have to prospect for 6 months and show us that they are fit to become good members.

They have to get fit (sports 3x per week), they have to read 30 minutes per day, they need to know how to take care of wounds and they need to obey the hierarchy like everyone else.

Besides that, we don't want depressive Nancies, women that want to change everything, gossipers, naggers or basic bitches.


What I definitely don't want

I don't want strong & independent women, that is just disgusting. If a woman joins the gang she better learns or already knows how to be a woman, we don't want men that act like women either.

She should, however, be confident in her abilities and smart. She must put her heart and skills into the gang and enrich the whole crew.

You will be part of a family that really loves you for who you are and who you will become if you manage to become a full member of the crew.

Becoming a member is for life.

Leather Jacket Girl Female Gang Operative.jpg

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I am sure there are other useful tasks for female gang operatives but I can not think of anything else at the moment. Maybe you know some more?

maybe they could knit knife pouches for the other members.

And for themselves too. I really like that idea, thanks mate.

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About that Matriarchy

That post was like reading the "Bild" (Entertainment newspaper) here in Germany.

"I want a world in which I and my sons, and my grandsons and granddaughters are all treated as people and not forced to confess to the sins of OTHERS."

When do people realize that "the world" can't just take care of anybody? All this politics bullshit is just entertainment.

People in your city don't even give a shit about you. Your neighbor does probably not give a shit about you.

I was right wing before I came to this conclusion: Right wing or left wing or middle is just a waste of time. You can't take care of anybody and you are wasting your time.

I build my own world in their world. I don't give a fuck what reputation I have in this sheepish world, but I will take everything that I can get from this world because I can only take care of my tribe just like my ancestors did.

I don't give a fuck about other people besides my familiy, the gang, friends, customers and the people who help me (this includes people who upvote and comment on Steemit.)

"Be robbers and conquerors as long as you cannot be rulers and owners" - Nietzsche

You have just defined the monkeysphere using different words.
We are ALL that way, although many people refuse to acknowledge the facts. It's hardwired into our wetware.

Yes i have read about this before . We are hard wired for this but the human brain is being forced by city habitation and now social media (x100000) to try and adapt . It is happening and rapidly. Just look at the millennials who grew up with this stuff. There has never been such a wide generation gap. It is hard to condemn without all scientific data but in my experience nature always wins.

social media is a whole nuther ball of wax.
It has the social without the in your face
(no threat...if you DO feel threatened...MUTE or block)
I think it's a good thing.

Jist and me talk like that and worse when we chat so don't worry Mickey, say whatever you want.

Yes it definitely has its good points. I just think the way kids have grown up, with technology and social media, in the last 10 years is totally different to any other generation ever. Thanks

That was very interesting.

The equilibrium stage with males becoming violent is absolutely the same with humans here, hell I even wanted to be accepted by other guys. Now I am just violently striving towards my goals building the tribe (but I think you can never stop wanting to be accepted, but I know that you choose who you want to be accepted and validated by)

I laughed so hard about the beautiful ones, reminded me of these social media bitches hahaha posting half naked for likes "they were in fact, very stupid" losing my shit here.

"The Die Phase" Is what is happening at the moment.

This is while we have to find or build our tribes and prepare for war if we want to have peace.

Just like Machiavelli and Nietzsche say.

Agree with the nature always wins statement.

You can't change human behavior (if we could do that this planet would not be a big pile of shit).

I have never heard about that term but yeah, it totally fits. People who deny that are virtue signaling.

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